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Current special Makro - Valid from 16.01 to 22.01 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 16.01.2023 - 22.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

MORE THAN YOU GMeHeYA CSS) BARGAINED FOR. Any 7 for R95 Ee to R13.58 p/unit) ey babi ' 6 SIMBA Potato Chips (All Tae 120g Any 4 x 6-packs for R130 (quotes 085250 pon) 2 for R130 (quae o RAS pi eS Ss PAN Cooking Oil 2<NO VAT 'M 100% Fruit Juice Blend {All variants) 6 x 200 ml 2 for R140 (quotes to R70 punt =a cy tan ean, ss se KELLOGG'S All-Bran Flakes 1 kg FUTURELIFE Kids Oats Breakfast Cereal (All variants) 375 g ‘A for R80 Any 2 for R55 ‘Equotes to R20 p/enit {quotes to R27.50 p/unit) Sr er sar = = = = Ge oe ae fe fee tee oS S \ ae Vn M M Dishwash Refill Thin Bleach 750 ml {All variants) 1.5 ¢ TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 MORE EXCITING DEALS. MORE VALUE. VALID UNTIL 2 APRIL 2023 ee) DORITOS Corn Chips Chocolate Slabs {All variants) 145g {All variants) 150 g 3.x A-packs for R90 1 for R340 Moy Sem eto ay — REBOOST Energy Drink (All variants) RED BULL Energy Drink (All variants) 4x 500 ml 24 x 250 ml Any 4 for R95 3 for ROS (uote 0 R275 pent ‘uote to RI.67 pli) soe =e cee 2 = ws P= Pe — Beef, Cheese, a en Durban Curry, Crispy Chicken or - Cn eg mrss monies 2 for RTIO 3x 6:pack for R50 bees thereat ae OLA Rich 'n Creamy lee Cream (All variants) 1.8 ¢ NUTRIDAY Smooth Dairy Snack Al variants} 6 x 100 g ELVIVE Shampoo or Conditioner (All variants) 400 ml Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS "makro card" to 31144 | For sto BEACON Mmmmallows Pink & White 400 g 6 for R80, Relcnen COKE ZERO, FANTA, SPRITE or ‘STONEY ZERO Soft Drinks 1 ¢ NESCAFE Gold Jars (All variants excluding Decaf) 200 g HUGGIES Gold Jumbo Pants 38/44/50/60's or Dry Comfort Pants 46/50/56/68's ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 letails visit

Latest specials

MORE THAN YOU GMeHeYA CSS) BARGAINED FOR. Any 7 for R95 Ee to R13.58 p/unit) ey babi ' 6 SIMBA Potato Chips (All Tae 120g Any 4 x 6-packs for R130 (quotes 085250 pon) 2 for R130 (quae o RAS pi eS Ss PAN Cooking Oil 2<NO VAT 'M 100% Fruit Juice Blend {All variants) 6 x 200 ml 2 for R140 (quotes to R70 punt =a cy tan ean, ss se KELLOGG'S All-Bran Flakes 1 kg FUTURELIFE Kids Oats Breakfast Cereal (All variants) 375 g ‘A for R80 Any 2 for R55 ‘Equotes to R20 p/enit {quotes to R27.50 p/unit) Sr er sar = = = = Ge oe ae fe fee tee oS S \ ae Vn M M Dishwash Refill Thin Bleach 750 ml {All variants) 1.5 ¢ TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 MORE EXCITING DEALS. MORE VALUE. VALID UNTIL 2 APRIL 2023 ee) DORITOS Corn Chips Chocolate Slabs {All variants) 145g {All variants) 150 g 3.x A-packs for R90 1 for R340 Moy Sem eto ay — REBOOST Energy Drink (All variants) RED BULL Energy Drink (All variants) 4x 500 ml 24 x 250 ml Any 4 for R95 3 for ROS (uote 0 R275 pent ‘uote to RI.67 pli) soe =e cee 2 = ws P= Pe — Beef, Cheese, a en Durban Curry, Crispy Chicken or - Cn eg mrss monies 2 for RTIO 3x 6:pack for R50 bees thereat ae OLA Rich 'n Creamy lee Cream (All variants) 1.8 ¢ NUTRIDAY Smooth Dairy Snack Al variants} 6 x 100 g ELVIVE Shampoo or Conditioner (All variants) 400 ml Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS "makro card" to 31144 | For sto BEACON Mmmmallows Pink & White 400 g 6 for R80, Relcnen COKE ZERO, FANTA, SPRITE or ‘STONEY ZERO Soft Drinks 1 ¢ NESCAFE Gold Jars (All variants excluding Decaf) 200 g HUGGIES Gold Jumbo Pants 38/44/50/60's or Dry Comfort Pants 46/50/56/68's ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 letails visit

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