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Current special Makro - Valid from 03.01 to 02.04 - Page nb 6

Special Makro 03.01.2023 - 02.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

Any 6 for R85 elds to R14.17 p/unit) ECONO KOO Pilchards in Tomato Sauce Pilchords ‘Mixed Vegetables, Whole Kernel Corn or 400 g NO VAT {All variants) 400 g NO VAT ‘Cream Style Corn 410 g i ————7 = A for R45 6 for R50 Any 2 for R70 (quotes to R11.25 p/unit) Equates to RB.33 p/unit) (Equates to R35 p/unit) il 6S | M feneny 410 Boat Sve Tomato Rech Faves Pa ee varial F Tomato Relis Tomato Paste nai g 410 aa . 100g " (All aoe 730/750/780 g Any 3 for R80 Any 3 for R75 Any 3 for R60 Any 2 for R80 Any 2 for R155 equates to R24.67 p/onit) {quotes to R25 p/unit) {quotes to R20 p/unit) {quotes to R40 p/n {equates to R77.50 p/oni) 7 = == a ss «=~ an a a i S oa i & oe Seren erie se) nee fiveeeneh oe {All veriants) 500 ml (all verlonts) 375 70 ae Far tions) 700 ml 2for R45 3 for R85 2 for R180 Any 2 for R85. Any 3 for RIO (quotes to 822.50 p/vnit) {quotes to R28.33 p/onit) {quotes to R90 p/vnith equates to 42.50 p/n) {quotes to R36.67 p/n) YY fe wae wily wis se BE Ss & = 2 ALLGOLD WELLINGTON'S- ARO TABASCO NANDO’S Tomato Sauce Tomato Sauce Tomato Sauce Sauce (excluding Habanero and Scorpion) _Perinaise 265 g or Peri-Peri Sauce 500 ml 700 mi 5e 60 mi (All variants) 250 g Any 3 for R85, Any 2 for R180 Any 2 for R75, {Equates to 28.33 p/unit) [Equates to R90 p/unit) (Equates to R37.50 p/unit) = =z 6 6S = a: fe AAA a | ee , Be 2 ‘STEERS: KNORR ‘ARO KNORR ‘Sauces or Salad Dressings Kasi Sauces Salad Dressings Marinades: ‘Marinades: {All variants) 375 ml (All variants) 330 g (all variants) 3 340 mi {All variants) 2 ¢ (All variants) 500 ml Any 5 for R65 Any 6 for R70 Any 3 for R80 Any 3 for R60 {Equates to RI3 p/enit) (quotes to R26.67 p/uit) {quotes to R20 puri) i. om ae ey — ROYCO KNORR NANDO’S ‘Sauces, Marinades or Gravies Cook-in Sauce or Gravy Breakin Sauces or Potato Bake Meal Kits (Lasagne, Mince or Rice) Bag ‘n Boke (All variants) 35/38/40/48 g (All variants) 38/43/48 g variants) 47/48/58 g 230/275/280/295 g (All variants) 20 g 6 02/2023. Mokro_CAP_ MORE 4 LESS 03/02/2023 - 02/04/2023. MKNTFD353

Latest specials

Any 6 for R85 elds to R14.17 p/unit) ECONO KOO Pilchards in Tomato Sauce Pilchords ‘Mixed Vegetables, Whole Kernel Corn or 400 g NO VAT {All variants) 400 g NO VAT ‘Cream Style Corn 410 g i ————7 = A for R45 6 for R50 Any 2 for R70 (quotes to R11.25 p/unit) Equates to RB.33 p/unit) (Equates to R35 p/unit) il 6S | M feneny 410 Boat Sve Tomato Rech Faves Pa ee varial F Tomato Relis Tomato Paste nai g 410 aa . 100g " (All aoe 730/750/780 g Any 3 for R80 Any 3 for R75 Any 3 for R60 Any 2 for R80 Any 2 for R155 equates to R24.67 p/onit) {quotes to R25 p/unit) {quotes to R20 p/unit) {quotes to R40 p/n {equates to R77.50 p/oni) 7 = == a ss «=~ an a a i S oa i & oe Seren erie se) nee fiveeeneh oe {All veriants) 500 ml (all verlonts) 375 70 ae Far tions) 700 ml 2for R45 3 for R85 2 for R180 Any 2 for R85. Any 3 for RIO (quotes to 822.50 p/vnit) {quotes to R28.33 p/onit) {quotes to R90 p/vnith equates to 42.50 p/n) {quotes to R36.67 p/n) YY fe wae wily wis se BE Ss & = 2 ALLGOLD WELLINGTON'S- ARO TABASCO NANDO’S Tomato Sauce Tomato Sauce Tomato Sauce Sauce (excluding Habanero and Scorpion) _Perinaise 265 g or Peri-Peri Sauce 500 ml 700 mi 5e 60 mi (All variants) 250 g Any 3 for R85, Any 2 for R180 Any 2 for R75, {Equates to 28.33 p/unit) [Equates to R90 p/unit) (Equates to R37.50 p/unit) = =z 6 6S = a: fe AAA a | ee , Be 2 ‘STEERS: KNORR ‘ARO KNORR ‘Sauces or Salad Dressings Kasi Sauces Salad Dressings Marinades: ‘Marinades: {All variants) 375 ml (All variants) 330 g (all variants) 3 340 mi {All variants) 2 ¢ (All variants) 500 ml Any 5 for R65 Any 6 for R70 Any 3 for R80 Any 3 for R60 {Equates to RI3 p/enit) (quotes to R26.67 p/uit) {quotes to R20 puri) i. om ae ey — ROYCO KNORR NANDO’S ‘Sauces, Marinades or Gravies Cook-in Sauce or Gravy Breakin Sauces or Potato Bake Meal Kits (Lasagne, Mince or Rice) Bag ‘n Boke (All variants) 35/38/40/48 g (All variants) 38/43/48 g variants) 47/48/58 g 230/275/280/295 g (All variants) 20 g 6 02/2023. Mokro_CAP_ MORE 4 LESS 03/02/2023 - 02/04/2023. MKNTFD353

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