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Current special Makro - New Year - Valid from 09.01 to 26.02 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 09.01.2023 - 26.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

RAGE = = are a - i = $8 Rough Tote “| 68.5 Store ‘n Guard oo, 110 ¢Rough Tote Toolbox ————————— 45148460) (104951) : +385 961427 +30299929) 69 s +150 (280434) _ + High-density sel Keeps tems dost, meisre ond insea ree BIGJIM: BIG JIM: — —- ——_ 2 for “1 he R100 4 1) 10 ¢ Builder’s Bucket Round 36 cm Organizer asei8a iaiee) | 2126 1's Bucket Triangular 3 30 10 «Tough PB cis, : 46cm (a13189) 119 1258199) 69 aaron = * Ideal for office home and geroge storage Ll s Gam & cy 1) 48 cm Toolbox ges Toolbox Combo 4 70 cm Mobile Toolbox Combo loolbox Com! 2) + 56 cm (306383) 2/7 “in har sees ard em on og + dae 76 cm toolbox, 32cm toolbox ond § x21 cm * tin onboorderpeiser ond removable roy movable ry For al ol orgs reads crgeners, i che (315613) 1 Yall compartments organisers bull int id (2285920), — ee BIGJIM cove (308579) Ll (2soaa7) L och J & Wacecae) Wucecee) A-Tier Steel Rack ised (394946) |_#2____1____ | 250 kg 5-Tier 150 k fier MDF Metal eae MDF Metal iar7e33 977830) Shelving > coor 9 : Lid Beg whet * Colour: grey ox white «+ removable MDF racks iwi Bad: 150g per shel | tS nuts Els equi lowcrews, nuts orbolts required | (977834; 377835) 3 Storage Box t lege 25 45 cond 25 ¢3-Piece Storeg Je Box Set 160 (Storage Rox eA | read | | THES ree fone ond gorge sorope aos 11a orronpating tao ond gorge soroge ' fonelok pe (312297) 8 03/2023 Makro DTP TYDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 2023

Latest specials

RAGE = = are a - i = $8 Rough Tote “| 68.5 Store ‘n Guard oo, 110 ¢Rough Tote Toolbox ————————— 45148460) (104951) : +385 961427 +30299929) 69 s +150 (280434) _ + High-density sel Keeps tems dost, meisre ond insea ree BIGJIM: BIG JIM: — —- ——_ 2 for “1 he R100 4 1) 10 ¢ Builder’s Bucket Round 36 cm Organizer asei8a iaiee) | 2126 1's Bucket Triangular 3 30 10 «Tough PB cis, : 46cm (a13189) 119 1258199) 69 aaron = * Ideal for office home and geroge storage Ll s Gam & cy 1) 48 cm Toolbox ges Toolbox Combo 4 70 cm Mobile Toolbox Combo loolbox Com! 2) + 56 cm (306383) 2/7 “in har sees ard em on og + dae 76 cm toolbox, 32cm toolbox ond § x21 cm * tin onboorderpeiser ond removable roy movable ry For al ol orgs reads crgeners, i che (315613) 1 Yall compartments organisers bull int id (2285920), — ee BIGJIM cove (308579) Ll (2soaa7) L och J & Wacecae) Wucecee) A-Tier Steel Rack ised (394946) |_#2____1____ | 250 kg 5-Tier 150 k fier MDF Metal eae MDF Metal iar7e33 977830) Shelving > coor 9 : Lid Beg whet * Colour: grey ox white «+ removable MDF racks iwi Bad: 150g per shel | tS nuts Els equi lowcrews, nuts orbolts required | (977834; 377835) 3 Storage Box t lege 25 45 cond 25 ¢3-Piece Storeg Je Box Set 160 (Storage Rox eA | read | | THES ree fone ond gorge sorope aos 11a orronpating tao ond gorge soroge ' fonelok pe (312297) 8 03/2023 Makro DTP TYDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 2023

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