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Current special Makro - Valid from 06.09 to 19.09 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 06.09.2022 - 19.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Tuesday 6 September to Monday 19 September 2022 AUTOMOTIVE We have all the CU essentials Veil need this Spring SPRING CLEANING _ to keep your car in great condition. XTR1800 Pressure Washer * Medel 1052711408 * Maton, 1800.0 © Prossire: 140 ber iasiol ploager peop * Thermal cael ih let west Fass * Mipucoenewerey loos * Red ree ies iaeaode Snow Foam Tyre Gel 500 ml Leather 500 ml Polyshield Sealant Microfibre All © Model: SH1AS + Rich dente fom '* Model: SH1442 * Shine thet lasts + Model: SH1443 * Losting protection and shine inthe titel Nessie siege Cream “UVic ¢ Ours eng presen Purpose Cloths ee serhaces + Heydrophobe « Does not dicolour * Hydrophobic woter beading (223373) asaaoa) eadaos) Syed i All prices in South African Rands, Terms and Conditions apply, 37/2022 Mokro DIP/NAMKNIGMI7132. 1

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Tuesday 6 September to Monday 19 September 2022 AUTOMOTIVE We have all the CU essentials Veil need this Spring SPRING CLEANING _ to keep your car in great condition. XTR1800 Pressure Washer * Medel 1052711408 * Maton, 1800.0 © Prossire: 140 ber iasiol ploager peop * Thermal cael ih let west Fass * Mipucoenewerey loos * Red ree ies iaeaode Snow Foam Tyre Gel 500 ml Leather 500 ml Polyshield Sealant Microfibre All © Model: SH1AS + Rich dente fom '* Model: SH1442 * Shine thet lasts + Model: SH1443 * Losting protection and shine inthe titel Nessie siege Cream “UVic ¢ Ours eng presen Purpose Cloths ee serhaces + Heydrophobe « Does not dicolour * Hydrophobic woter beading (223373) asaaoa) eadaos) Syed i All prices in South African Rands, Terms and Conditions apply, 37/2022 Mokro DIP/NAMKNIGMI7132. 1

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