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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 08.12 to 15.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 08.12.2024 - 15.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

Prices valid from Sunday 5 December 2028 to ah 15 December 2024 77/3 Pa od , download the TOTAL SAVING R12999 SAMSUNG 215 cm (85") Smart QLED TV ‘Model: QABSQEODAIOXA + Resolution: 3840 x 2160 Motion Xeeterator 120 He + Supreme UI + 4k Upscain lew up to2 videos *WirFiand Bluetooth -year warranty (esoorsiss) SAMSUNG worth 4999 each Co} ra) sa be) SAMSUNG 109 cm (43") Smart UHD TV + Model: UR4SDU7OOOKXXA, sam: erry :m (55") Smart UHD TV 129 em IES") Senart QLED TV Serr TMeder UASSOUTOODOOA- esautin: 3040x2160 + Model: QASSQ6ODAKXKA : Resolution: 3840 x 7160 Resolution: 840 x2160 » Crystal Processor 4K + Motion Xcelerator = Supreme UHD dim {Motion Neelerator- Supreme UND dimming “Sind Supt 20172 chon spec BODSS ISI Aptve sound 2-yen warant «ete a re ee ny MRE) + 2-year warranty (850013980) oo (socnene) tesoo143) a acme a) each ele re SAMSUN' SAMSUNG SAMSUN ‘165 cm(65")Smart UHDTV RPE) 190 cm 75") Smart HDTV REEL) + Model! URBSDU700000A E ni exolution: $840 x 2160 pms ak TOTAL PAYMENT: + 2-Gear warranty (850014812) RIZ7EO @ 2200% 248 cm (98") Smart UHI "Model: UAS8DUSOQOKXXA - Resolution: 5840 + Crystal Processor ik » Sound output 20 W 2 channel speaker + M TV, sound mirroring » Adaptive sound + 2-year warranty (850012976) Ese ct to a stated limitation Makro will ensure that they have sufficient 1ock to meet anticipated demand, Masamart Financial Sevices (ty) Lid isan Authorised Fancial Services Provider (FSP License > No. 49726) u hut. &" Federal fst Firancing Mako. Cred dclimer othe Repayment includes card fee ci on Ina on aetand pce er on i oly er bed esses used fr dip de 15% VAT. the product incisal as wel another price wil apply fo the indvidal produc a5 pet te advertiser arepstered © i andavt red Francia So

Latest specials

Prices valid from Sunday 5 December 2028 to ah 15 December 2024 77/3 Pa od , download the TOTAL SAVING R12999 SAMSUNG 215 cm (85") Smart QLED TV ‘Model: QABSQEODAIOXA + Resolution: 3840 x 2160 Motion Xeeterator 120 He + Supreme UI + 4k Upscain lew up to2 videos *WirFiand Bluetooth -year warranty (esoorsiss) SAMSUNG worth 4999 each Co} ra) sa be) SAMSUNG 109 cm (43") Smart UHD TV + Model: UR4SDU7OOOKXXA, sam: erry :m (55") Smart UHD TV 129 em IES") Senart QLED TV Serr TMeder UASSOUTOODOOA- esautin: 3040x2160 + Model: QASSQ6ODAKXKA : Resolution: 3840 x 7160 Resolution: 840 x2160 » Crystal Processor 4K + Motion Xcelerator = Supreme UHD dim {Motion Neelerator- Supreme UND dimming “Sind Supt 20172 chon spec BODSS ISI Aptve sound 2-yen warant «ete a re ee ny MRE) + 2-year warranty (850013980) oo (socnene) tesoo143) a acme a) each ele re SAMSUN' SAMSUNG SAMSUN ‘165 cm(65")Smart UHDTV RPE) 190 cm 75") Smart HDTV REEL) + Model! URBSDU700000A E ni exolution: $840 x 2160 pms ak TOTAL PAYMENT: + 2-Gear warranty (850014812) RIZ7EO @ 2200% 248 cm (98") Smart UHI "Model: UAS8DUSOQOKXXA - Resolution: 5840 + Crystal Processor ik » Sound output 20 W 2 channel speaker + M TV, sound mirroring » Adaptive sound + 2-year warranty (850012976) Ese ct to a stated limitation Makro will ensure that they have sufficient 1ock to meet anticipated demand, Masamart Financial Sevices (ty) Lid isan Authorised Fancial Services Provider (FSP License > No. 49726) u hut. &" Federal fst Firancing Mako. Cred dclimer othe Repayment includes card fee ci on Ina on aetand pce er on i oly er bed esses used fr dip de 15% VAT. the product incisal as wel another price wil apply fo the indvidal produc a5 pet te advertiser arepstered © i andavt red Francia So

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