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Current special Makro - Valid from 06.02 to 19.02 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 06.02.2023 - 19.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

isense 20 ¢ Microwave * Model: H20MOMS11 SHARE THE LOVE THIS Ylalentine's CL) Buy the LG Matte Black QuadWash™ DFB325HM & Receive a SAVE 5000 SAVE 200 (432076) @ Bennett Read 6-Piece Copper and Rock Pot Set stein oe * Consists of 18 cm, 24 em and 28 em pos with ids 38927 PRIMARIES 12 ¢ Stainless Steel Pedal Bin (248336) 20 1248338) 499 cass + 271248340) 699 coo, “to gam Rewards downlod ond reir on he mrt app, Sibi! ed ion, Mo wil have alin sacks ne enced end, Sock ol gpa on flrs ide, Mao wl ene at 2 2 @ic 14-Place QuadWash Dishwasher + Model: DF8S12FP SAVE 3000 SAVE 700 * Avolable on request ot selected stores (02616) SAVE 200 SAVE 400 SAMSUNG 28 Solo Microwave DEFY) 2599 “ Model: ME6104ST1/FA 34 ¢Grill Microwave (4009@1) * Model: DMO 392 (400985) SAVE 100 Container Set (422168; 422160) NW SAVE 100 | 399 | casa Treviso or Genoa Kitchen Knife Sets (989293; 389296) ‘tokio moet ntipied damon, okra wet eonnabe sls dacanne fu af soon or ok 99 ‘ecsncbl and compare lerrave ih he me roc! speccators ba hut quoi pest nh Riel prod on pr ‘mall ero a of sk of goes on si we wl one can rst ko lr ie dean fer the cere produc Wo mite ocr non odresemer or acompla isan sped we ll ‘Epiy a nes ore wih ol be coeds For Ga pacs any caren price per on wl ony op # yo by he ble pock. Pics excade occas aa ar daplay purposes on ine TSE VA Hw lr be en obwrizennt Manan Fan Sen iy nna nly cord fen caemer procson muro Y ial Provan HORCP 38/°SP" 07/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM494, Promotion valid from Monday 6 February to Sunday 19 February 202311 makro my ho lit ye bd on Ahad frnoncel Sarees Pad Uceea No 49726) anderen by nr of 21%" Repel card le, esr protec surance od < ssifet ts dang, Al pics ee bees and ced Mpeg fay ay Coed cn cee Sty, Fos spel shoe nal cn enero olla payee ope eae re ere " -_ owe

Latest specials

isense 20 ¢ Microwave * Model: H20MOMS11 SHARE THE LOVE THIS Ylalentine's CL) Buy the LG Matte Black QuadWash™ DFB325HM & Receive a SAVE 5000 SAVE 200 (432076) @ Bennett Read 6-Piece Copper and Rock Pot Set stein oe * Consists of 18 cm, 24 em and 28 em pos with ids 38927 PRIMARIES 12 ¢ Stainless Steel Pedal Bin (248336) 20 1248338) 499 cass + 271248340) 699 coo, “to gam Rewards downlod ond reir on he mrt app, Sibi! ed ion, Mo wil have alin sacks ne enced end, Sock ol gpa on flrs ide, Mao wl ene at 2 2 @ic 14-Place QuadWash Dishwasher + Model: DF8S12FP SAVE 3000 SAVE 700 * Avolable on request ot selected stores (02616) SAVE 200 SAVE 400 SAMSUNG 28 Solo Microwave DEFY) 2599 “ Model: ME6104ST1/FA 34 ¢Grill Microwave (4009@1) * Model: DMO 392 (400985) SAVE 100 Container Set (422168; 422160) NW SAVE 100 | 399 | casa Treviso or Genoa Kitchen Knife Sets (989293; 389296) ‘tokio moet ntipied damon, okra wet eonnabe sls dacanne fu af soon or ok 99 ‘ecsncbl and compare lerrave ih he me roc! speccators ba hut quoi pest nh Riel prod on pr ‘mall ero a of sk of goes on si we wl one can rst ko lr ie dean fer the cere produc Wo mite ocr non odresemer or acompla isan sped we ll ‘Epiy a nes ore wih ol be coeds For Ga pacs any caren price per on wl ony op # yo by he ble pock. Pics excade occas aa ar daplay purposes on ine TSE VA Hw lr be en obwrizennt Manan Fan Sen iy nna nly cord fen caemer procson muro Y ial Provan HORCP 38/°SP" 07/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM494, Promotion valid from Monday 6 February to Sunday 19 February 202311 makro my ho lit ye bd on Ahad frnoncel Sarees Pad Uceea No 49726) anderen by nr of 21%" Repel card le, esr protec surance od < ssifet ts dang, Al pics ee bees and ced Mpeg fay ay Coed cn cee Sty, Fos spel shoe nal cn enero olla payee ope eae re ere " -_ owe

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