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Current special Makro - Valid from 01.01 to 15.01 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 01.01.2023 - 15.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

siem! yp | t@xooxseREss Com sal 512 GB Digital Console “eeecmeeere ia * pend nope epson (398225) Poe 699 (@)xB0xSERIES x each Pea Hisense aac 80 cm (32”) Smart HD Rea BBS ae sere rt aa “year worranty (445899) 2799 Indies 1072 UE Ror “New conta pared 8 spay cach vere HONE NTEENET R7.QQ = Indes HA72 UE Roe “New cnt pode so red va nm ey Pa (0”) | SMART! “ax | xs | x2 od eee a incre Hone RE EQ Indes 172 UE Rv “New cnt pad SINGTEC SiyWORTH 106 cm (42”) Smart FHD Android TV er 138 op 55") Sort Ue Android TV “ed SR i Rc 10 10 3799 127m (50") Smart UHD TV 35 So AUP Aodraid Mg + Sear guarentee each 5 Day a= Scoot Shae Y= yer waranty + Sone ito ond Chomecet 3 yoo wren (429283) (429534) (eased) Pera (65”) eg HOME INTERNET R7 59; g Indes O72 UE Roser" Nw eta pees. Cs poy creo rone oe RB EO nodes 72 UE Rv New cent pode spy @Lc SAMSUNG Tet em (657), Smmaut NanoC $3. OF Sm LEA Tso {Hee ROMO TNaA Ar peti Seb 0 Sala ge Sona = yee weney Sor Bre ea — — seein 16° EC SAMSUNG 165 cm (65”) Smart UHD 4K TV + Model: UASSAU7OOOKXXA » 2-year guarantee (429054) SAMSUNG 2,0,Channel Soundber 1499 ‘Model HW=T400/XA * 40 W Bluetooth cole + Surround sound * USB music playbock 398943) Hisense are oer TTD ——— | PLS sralB50] Smart remy UDA, yeh ae rs 1 A yeor werent (044838) Ss. un SIKYWORTH : arenamelsourter, | 2299 caroncomnt chanel sundbe Sabet RIIOO orere) each Lede R219 Wei ve“ Now cinta vpode Cop Treinen ea sy sre aya ST ih si a a src a aca epee ttre hee aint ee ete ft att are ‘edridally on wel _onather price wil apply to the individual produc, io tr tee edootisamarh Nteeart Partie Sortie 0 ae ison Auhorved Feoncel Services Provider [FS Loense No die Sy eke ie ares ease ee ey eet eee Hed egg ta cae icing te foe oleae eee Harcbing, 24 mands bora ond 36-ssad Rodger Reneted ky MES e ragutured Coote ond ochorned Poncil Service’ Monde: THN? a8/FSF 44401,

Latest specials

siem! yp | t@xooxseREss Com sal 512 GB Digital Console “eeecmeeere ia * pend nope epson (398225) Poe 699 (@)xB0xSERIES x each Pea Hisense aac 80 cm (32”) Smart HD Rea BBS ae sere rt aa “year worranty (445899) 2799 Indies 1072 UE Ror “New conta pared 8 spay cach vere HONE NTEENET R7.QQ = Indes HA72 UE Roe “New cnt pode so red va nm ey Pa (0”) | SMART! “ax | xs | x2 od eee a incre Hone RE EQ Indes 172 UE Rv “New cnt pad SINGTEC SiyWORTH 106 cm (42”) Smart FHD Android TV er 138 op 55") Sort Ue Android TV “ed SR i Rc 10 10 3799 127m (50") Smart UHD TV 35 So AUP Aodraid Mg + Sear guarentee each 5 Day a= Scoot Shae Y= yer waranty + Sone ito ond Chomecet 3 yoo wren (429283) (429534) (eased) Pera (65”) eg HOME INTERNET R7 59; g Indes O72 UE Roser" Nw eta pees. Cs poy creo rone oe RB EO nodes 72 UE Rv New cent pode spy @Lc SAMSUNG Tet em (657), Smmaut NanoC $3. OF Sm LEA Tso {Hee ROMO TNaA Ar peti Seb 0 Sala ge Sona = yee weney Sor Bre ea — — seein 16° EC SAMSUNG 165 cm (65”) Smart UHD 4K TV + Model: UASSAU7OOOKXXA » 2-year guarantee (429054) SAMSUNG 2,0,Channel Soundber 1499 ‘Model HW=T400/XA * 40 W Bluetooth cole + Surround sound * USB music playbock 398943) Hisense are oer TTD ——— | PLS sralB50] Smart remy UDA, yeh ae rs 1 A yeor werent (044838) Ss. un SIKYWORTH : arenamelsourter, | 2299 caroncomnt chanel sundbe Sabet RIIOO orere) each Lede R219 Wei ve“ Now cinta vpode Cop Treinen ea sy sre aya ST ih si a a src a aca epee ttre hee aint ee ete ft att are ‘edridally on wel _onather price wil apply to the individual produc, io tr tee edootisamarh Nteeart Partie Sortie 0 ae ison Auhorved Feoncel Services Provider [FS Loense No die Sy eke ie ares ease ee ey eet eee Hed egg ta cae icing te foe oleae eee Harcbing, 24 mands bora ond 36-ssad Rodger Reneted ky MES e ragutured Coote ond ochorned Poncil Service’ Monde: THN? a8/FSF 44401,

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