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Current special Makro - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 7

Special Makro 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 100 Wrap Around Securilock Securilock Soft Uniform Tough Sweep Broom * Colour: assorted sues 50 ia (31925) sao weer (925535) — 179 |[ 199 | | 129 300 g Mop 2.1 m Telescopic Spritza Floor avon Window Cleaner Honeycomb Cleaner argon tes All Purpose Wipes - 25's * Sie: 50x 25 m (366672) SAVE 50 249 Tey.) Gs SAVE 60 hae each ( gAlplas Ist = | == four 40 ¢ Clip & Lock Storage Box (439886) 50 ¢ Clip & Lock Storage Box (4398601 249 och 80 ¢ Clip & Lock Storage Box 1429906 299 och 7 44 2022 Mokro_CAP_MKNTGM88. Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday & November 2022 SAVE 100 “To sa mRewards download and register onthe mCord opp. Sujet oa ed Kon, Mako wil have sient stock to meet nated demand. Sock oll goods on fei nied, Make <i eau Sc ey hove slicer soko mee nigpated Semond. Maro thal vi ts reoronable eer daconinve fhe ofr gx sooner sock no loge ovate. we rn ot fsck goods ‘Sh ofl owed chap cbio raprvs sock o ll yoy 0 renenele ond conporatl ernve wah fhe sone rod gpehcoton bul sist quertrtenng the eco olr o he chetire roduc Wo migke excursion odveriemer ce nconplee lornoton pred, we wil daply @nabce ore wah ai be corel Gn For bok pod, ony eeraed pice pr yet wl nly Sop you buy th bk pc. Pico excode accessors vned for Spay purpoes Ged nude 15% VAT wear e produ indian os wel, oncher pie il opp he vide pro, ite adveeret"osart Financial Services (Py son Achtrted Financ Series Prove FSP Ucerse No. 49726) underwrton by hut 8 Feder ek Financing. Moka Cet rar. Morty insole nds cad toes, confer prlecon inaronce ond nee! o 20 25%, "Tl Repoymer incor cord ea, cunomerprtachon tnarance gd sees 20.25% terest Roles art subject fo chonge. Al pies are ccs gd octal repoymets may vry based on ocour ot. Fees whit conge bowed ‘2 {Se caomer rk profle Repayment opions ng, 24 month budge ond domooh bedget Powered by RCS 0 regard Crt ond Coherned Financ Sones Poder NCRCP39/FSP a4adh

Latest specials

SAVE 100 Wrap Around Securilock Securilock Soft Uniform Tough Sweep Broom * Colour: assorted sues 50 ia (31925) sao weer (925535) — 179 |[ 199 | | 129 300 g Mop 2.1 m Telescopic Spritza Floor avon Window Cleaner Honeycomb Cleaner argon tes All Purpose Wipes - 25's * Sie: 50x 25 m (366672) SAVE 50 249 Tey.) Gs SAVE 60 hae each ( gAlplas Ist = | == four 40 ¢ Clip & Lock Storage Box (439886) 50 ¢ Clip & Lock Storage Box (4398601 249 och 80 ¢ Clip & Lock Storage Box 1429906 299 och 7 44 2022 Mokro_CAP_MKNTGM88. Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday & November 2022 SAVE 100 “To sa mRewards download and register onthe mCord opp. Sujet oa ed Kon, Mako wil have sient stock to meet nated demand. Sock oll goods on fei nied, Make <i eau Sc ey hove slicer soko mee nigpated Semond. Maro thal vi ts reoronable eer daconinve fhe ofr gx sooner sock no loge ovate. we rn ot fsck goods ‘Sh ofl owed chap cbio raprvs sock o ll yoy 0 renenele ond conporatl ernve wah fhe sone rod gpehcoton bul sist quertrtenng the eco olr o he chetire roduc Wo migke excursion odveriemer ce nconplee lornoton pred, we wil daply @nabce ore wah ai be corel Gn For bok pod, ony eeraed pice pr yet wl nly Sop you buy th bk pc. Pico excode accessors vned for Spay purpoes Ged nude 15% VAT wear e produ indian os wel, oncher pie il opp he vide pro, ite adveeret"osart Financial Services (Py son Achtrted Financ Series Prove FSP Ucerse No. 49726) underwrton by hut 8 Feder ek Financing. Moka Cet rar. Morty insole nds cad toes, confer prlecon inaronce ond nee! o 20 25%, "Tl Repoymer incor cord ea, cunomerprtachon tnarance gd sees 20.25% terest Roles art subject fo chonge. Al pies are ccs gd octal repoymets may vry based on ocour ot. Fees whit conge bowed ‘2 {Se caomer rk profle Repayment opions ng, 24 month budge ond domooh bedget Powered by RCS 0 regard Crt ond Coherned Financ Sones Poder NCRCP39/FSP a4adh

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