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Current special Makro - Valid from 20.01 to 02.02 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 20.01.2025 - 02.02.2025

Products in this catalogue

Scan here to download eer eas Rit) Ceci huey mM Ci kro)) In the mood for the lowest prices Everything you need at prices you'll love. Now, that's a mood. 5 NEW , PRODUCT o ALERT! > BOKOMO Cornflakes AWM Equates to RI6.32each BANANAS “ ¥ f 71425 CREE SAVE 20 eer ues \ f Bulk Lean x! wr m \ rem ce Ne « ff — ALL 3 FOR R99* Er ot SAVE 16% 169° Equates to 1276 for 18's, <omo fats Auto Washing Powder Flexi Bag Ag auto; Event Fanta, Sprite, ir Stoney or DOMESTOS 5 Multipurpose Thick Bleach Se 40 GOLDENCLOUD ACE TaSTIC Cake Wheat Flour Super Maize Meat Long Grain rane Pri Parboiled Ri Novat Novat Pages Rice NOVAT HENNESSY VS Cognac BN) Hennessy HTH Granular+ Mineralsoft Pool lorine CAMP MASTER Briquettes CAMP MASTER Charcoal eae Poa In the mood to put all your eggs (and everything else) in one basket? i For over a year, Makro has been named the most affordable grocery retailer in SA according to the Cheapest Basket Survey. ee makrom 4 Cee boku aut

Latest specials

Scan here to download eer eas Rit) Ceci huey mM Ci kro)) In the mood for the lowest prices Everything you need at prices you'll love. Now, that's a mood. 5 NEW , PRODUCT o ALERT! > BOKOMO Cornflakes AWM Equates to RI6.32each BANANAS “ ¥ f 71425 CREE SAVE 20 eer ues \ f Bulk Lean x! wr m \ rem ce Ne « ff — ALL 3 FOR R99* Er ot SAVE 16% 169° Equates to 1276 for 18's, <omo fats Auto Washing Powder Flexi Bag Ag auto; Event Fanta, Sprite, ir Stoney or DOMESTOS 5 Multipurpose Thick Bleach Se 40 GOLDENCLOUD ACE TaSTIC Cake Wheat Flour Super Maize Meat Long Grain rane Pri Parboiled Ri Novat Novat Pages Rice NOVAT HENNESSY VS Cognac BN) Hennessy HTH Granular+ Mineralsoft Pool lorine CAMP MASTER Briquettes CAMP MASTER Charcoal eae Poa In the mood to put all your eggs (and everything else) in one basket? i For over a year, Makro has been named the most affordable grocery retailer in SA according to the Cheapest Basket Survey. ee makrom 4 Cee boku aut

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