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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.09 to 02.10 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 19.09.2022 - 02.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Slim Styler 9 kg Dual Inverter 10.5 kg Front Loader Electric Dryer Heatpump Dryer Washing Machine Cu + Model OVOPVEN ag ora “Medanacarnn | Oks Fron Loader to og Cntaitoe BEET 29999 och SEED 14999 woh ENTE 12999 voch Toe eiaieneaen | 6999 | DN acini x 7999 (403754) L__se® _} yaaa) sock } () BOSCH AEG 619 ¢ Frost Free Combination Fridge | 15999 600 mm Touch rere och J Control Ceran 600mm Built-in Multifunctional Electric Oven + Model: BOBISOO2XV 4as7364) 399F voor : 810 mm J L 900 mm 4-Gas Bumer/ oo = 900 mm 5-Burner Fusion MEXEEO 2-Plate Stove Gas/Electric Stove 18999 2a Soy 999] Salteacsine, — 18999] 8 39/2022 Mabro OTP/TMO_MKNIGM16454 Promotion volid om Mondoy 19 September to Sundoy 2 Octobee 2022 Phe cscs)

Latest specials

Slim Styler 9 kg Dual Inverter 10.5 kg Front Loader Electric Dryer Heatpump Dryer Washing Machine Cu + Model OVOPVEN ag ora “Medanacarnn | Oks Fron Loader to og Cntaitoe BEET 29999 och SEED 14999 woh ENTE 12999 voch Toe eiaieneaen | 6999 | DN acini x 7999 (403754) L__se® _} yaaa) sock } () BOSCH AEG 619 ¢ Frost Free Combination Fridge | 15999 600 mm Touch rere och J Control Ceran 600mm Built-in Multifunctional Electric Oven + Model: BOBISOO2XV 4as7364) 399F voor : 810 mm J L 900 mm 4-Gas Bumer/ oo = 900 mm 5-Burner Fusion MEXEEO 2-Plate Stove Gas/Electric Stove 18999 2a Soy 999] Salteacsine, — 18999] 8 39/2022 Mabro OTP/TMO_MKNIGM16454 Promotion volid om Mondoy 19 September to Sundoy 2 Octobee 2022 Phe cscs)

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