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Current special Makro - Valid from 08.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 08.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Thursday 8 September to Wednesday 21 September 2022 SELAT 7 7 SNOWFLAKE White Super { Super Moize Mest { Coke Wheot Flour NO VAT NO VAT = ml emt wet 9 Ae) | ae * eee eee ¢ i i PARMALAT SUNSTAR. - BULL BRAND 9 = | 20 Everfresh Long 1 Cooking Oil or. Cored Meat d y iS Life Milk 7 a vores (At vert NO VAT BAKERS 6 NESTLE 3 i 5 8 SPARLETIA or TWIST 13 ” Topper Biscuits x, large Bor One E Soft Drinks ‘ Hond Woshing rin o 1ocolate Bors yi vein Powder : GRAND-PA, 1 AQUAFRESH Heodoche : Toothpaste Powders Ware, sent HORrOGO Al prices in South African Ronds, Refer to the inside pages for terms and conditions.

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Thursday 8 September to Wednesday 21 September 2022 SELAT 7 7 SNOWFLAKE White Super { Super Moize Mest { Coke Wheot Flour NO VAT NO VAT = ml emt wet 9 Ae) | ae * eee eee ¢ i i PARMALAT SUNSTAR. - BULL BRAND 9 = | 20 Everfresh Long 1 Cooking Oil or. Cored Meat d y iS Life Milk 7 a vores (At vert NO VAT BAKERS 6 NESTLE 3 i 5 8 SPARLETIA or TWIST 13 ” Topper Biscuits x, large Bor One E Soft Drinks ‘ Hond Woshing rin o 1ocolate Bors yi vein Powder : GRAND-PA, 1 AQUAFRESH Heodoche : Toothpaste Powders Ware, sent HORrOGO Al prices in South African Ronds, Refer to the inside pages for terms and conditions.

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