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Current special Makro - Valid from 26.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 26.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

sacomroxow R639; IM sceomrorowy ROOD: 35cm m 14" tdoPod 5k 5 Intel Core i3 Leop 35 em (14") IdeaPad 3 Intel Core 15 loplor ny Find ire 5 113857 po 420 Gt + Wondrn 1) Home 1 Dye sta and eet wren VTE 2 Zyor lect apot weraty 70 |_SAVE 1000 | SAVE 1000 6999 10999 @ uxewsdinn Intel celeron Dede EO a wae acer SEIT 3 Seger pon 0p ca 7 39 cm (15.6"} Nitro 5 Intel Core i5 ere ) 1 on ] 7999 amin apt ROX 3050) 14999 3699 | =a aa moaned | =a ‘ ~ ‘ Tv \ Coren : foresee ath ; 2) Desk 3} istler Bookcase ee eee aes eee ay Colouring Book a lanse eal ee ‘omen no — 2 toma a PILOT | wa | 189 | | 159 | se"! 189 || 999 | 1299 | 1S {soa "| as GET REWARDED YOU SHOP! a! % E 1% Back when you shop at any ela Apply in-store or online at 4. 40/2022 Mokro DTP TVDA MXNIGMA|_Promoton void Irom Monday 26 Soptember to Sunday 9 October 2022

Latest specials

sacomroxow R639; IM sceomrorowy ROOD: 35cm m 14" tdoPod 5k 5 Intel Core i3 Leop 35 em (14") IdeaPad 3 Intel Core 15 loplor ny Find ire 5 113857 po 420 Gt + Wondrn 1) Home 1 Dye sta and eet wren VTE 2 Zyor lect apot weraty 70 |_SAVE 1000 | SAVE 1000 6999 10999 @ uxewsdinn Intel celeron Dede EO a wae acer SEIT 3 Seger pon 0p ca 7 39 cm (15.6"} Nitro 5 Intel Core i5 ere ) 1 on ] 7999 amin apt ROX 3050) 14999 3699 | =a aa moaned | =a ‘ ~ ‘ Tv \ Coren : foresee ath ; 2) Desk 3} istler Bookcase ee eee aes eee ay Colouring Book a lanse eal ee ‘omen no — 2 toma a PILOT | wa | 189 | | 159 | se"! 189 || 999 | 1299 | 1S {soa "| as GET REWARDED YOU SHOP! a! % E 1% Back when you shop at any ela Apply in-store or online at 4. 40/2022 Mokro DTP TVDA MXNIGMA|_Promoton void Irom Monday 26 Soptember to Sunday 9 October 2022

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