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Current special Makro - Valid from 02.04 to 01.05 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 02.04.2023 - 01.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

‘Yolo ee | aA epsiortrent DekeNetey i hati) ‘+ Size: 200 (0 x 430 (w) = 350 me tr) basse Small Safety Storage Box Kpanda_ 2a ee 934658) Softi-Box No. 1 OG im each ‘orga + Sat 300 9 «370 tw) x420 mm 240701) LADD oocr Safti-Box No, 2 “eon 250350 230 ep 03460) TODD ca _ 899 © Guay prigemened 58 dgh code «Teme lock cer 5 ixorad camapes a7g0s BID oon + Tomper-resistont reset bution * Low-bettery warning + Keyed + 2 kays with fixing rawibelts Electronic Office Cabinet + Model: YEC/695/081 Xpanda_ 138 dh wer code 9 ‘eddes 4x Ak bomen Yale Burglar-Resistant 1 5 9 ‘mounting fixings (310843) i : Safe No. 3 h Electronic Burglar-Resistant [yey -\"/ au (06) Bau ead Safe Burglar-Resistont Safe No. 1 To unswaeces 99 cae ra 2399 | conn1049 ws 46 Bs nw + 7leverlock + Wall mounied with mounting bot ee) ie “tees aon och Vanplanesateat nea’ Se et Large Digital Strong Box pea ae Sey 1 Mode: $8250 « Digital lock * Manvol key override SMa rca sion +28 dak ssermd 2899 each + Lowebattery indicator (315362) snaster code * LCD keypod diploy SAVE 100 SAVE 100 1199 800 = foela a) 770 x 2000 mm Econo Shootbolt Security Gate ~~ * Colour ite bronae Electronic File Safe SAVE 400 + Model: YEC/520/E11 « 3:8 digit uae code * S-minute lockdown afer 3 3199 Comecitve incorrect otemphs» Manoa cverrde with Waceable keys» Includes 4x AA bastis ond mecring fogs (310937) = = Fan jtoedord door (315366; 373240) —— Eat „panda_ Yolo Burglar-Resistant Safe Brick Âą7ASerleds Vo weuteg wi moun to Large Alarmed Digitol i928) sre L799 «sma o7309 1899 es + dum 371300) 2299 sacs Py 2. 15/2023 Makro/TVDL_MKNIGMEO? Promotion volid from Sunday 2 Aprile Meedey 1 May 2023.

Latest specials

‘Yolo ee | aA epsiortrent DekeNetey i hati) ‘+ Size: 200 (0 x 430 (w) = 350 me tr) basse Small Safety Storage Box Kpanda_ 2a ee 934658) Softi-Box No. 1 OG im each ‘orga + Sat 300 9 «370 tw) x420 mm 240701) LADD oocr Safti-Box No, 2 “eon 250350 230 ep 03460) TODD ca _ 899 © Guay prigemened 58 dgh code «Teme lock cer 5 ixorad camapes a7g0s BID oon + Tomper-resistont reset bution * Low-bettery warning + Keyed + 2 kays with fixing rawibelts Electronic Office Cabinet + Model: YEC/695/081 Xpanda_ 138 dh wer code 9 ‘eddes 4x Ak bomen Yale Burglar-Resistant 1 5 9 ‘mounting fixings (310843) i : Safe No. 3 h Electronic Burglar-Resistant [yey -\"/ au (06) Bau ead Safe Burglar-Resistont Safe No. 1 To unswaeces 99 cae ra 2399 | conn1049 ws 46 Bs nw + 7leverlock + Wall mounied with mounting bot ee) ie “tees aon och Vanplanesateat nea’ Se et Large Digital Strong Box pea ae Sey 1 Mode: $8250 « Digital lock * Manvol key override SMa rca sion +28 dak ssermd 2899 each + Lowebattery indicator (315362) snaster code * LCD keypod diploy SAVE 100 SAVE 100 1199 800 = foela a) 770 x 2000 mm Econo Shootbolt Security Gate ~~ * Colour ite bronae Electronic File Safe SAVE 400 + Model: YEC/520/E11 « 3:8 digit uae code * S-minute lockdown afer 3 3199 Comecitve incorrect otemphs» Manoa cverrde with Waceable keys» Includes 4x AA bastis ond mecring fogs (310937) = = Fan jtoedord door (315366; 373240) —— Eat „panda_ Yolo Burglar-Resistant Safe Brick Âą7ASerleds Vo weuteg wi moun to Large Alarmed Digitol i928) sre L799 «sma o7309 1899 es + dum 371300) 2299 sacs Py 2. 15/2023 Makro/TVDL_MKNIGMEO? Promotion volid from Sunday 2 Aprile Meedey 1 May 2023.

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