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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Valid from 26.01 to 01.02 - Page nb 1

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 26.01.2023 - 01.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

* PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR ff . SUPER Tusk) 2 umn SUN Super| —Z@S=ACE Super [Maize Meal mie Meal | 5| ‘Maize Meal = Polybag i = Icouven | Ae es , PP) Rice KINGKORN MALT RAJAH MILD MASALA ; a & ANCHOR a g — a _ Zo: Pepper a et 217" / 6 Bh Wotereneer) 78% e139" eves i25: 2 oO Nars3s Lami nen i Cannisters (Griginal Only = toi | jon, 86". ALL GOLD ni = pee Rosse &| FAT TOP SELL “STomato Sauce ALLIOY WELLINGTON suackweut| BA ) Salt Fine et Nerve os ass x come | IN ay SE "aga = feeneBos AR Fish biked Beans at bes Koo Wis yay Sy Va scosteg 29,| | 191" =| mS: ead? 18: f 139° ‘9: am Rnervso¥ ; 4 Koo | \ Powder aS Beans = anarc possac > wc] Ee woo] spas oe 0 wu DLITE Oil EXCELLA EXCELLA| @& 2) EXCELLA| an, PAN SAN Cooking aioe Cooking Oil t ¥ cooking oil ¢ { } Cooking Oil| te Cooking Oil i 2 : 5 144™) < axfo hi. SUNSTAR Cooking Oil « = Ne ns 25 21 a Htvecro 173° Rama 918". os I a i asta Sos 0 ware? counay Spaghetti Original Brick YELLOW ‘SPREAD TUB| ara] 3, arene uae ge ee : ee coal a>" L ee Ee | o 60 |e 03 | a ob Bee Beare | ve 182 ferows 28518, 88. p Gover Unrate ore ha Fa pvEnEREStY TEA BAGS TEA BAGS| FULL crea mr Cream Mik cre SEATWATESUGAR | SHATWRTTESUGAR | 8K ra aaa TE] a © seauira = — ND Srency| KE Cold Drink GF | Om im ener] amy Colt Or ‘sorted Dis 03 37 | 7" Cold Drink a Sry 35 | 178: he 28S cr i oe 108. Pi Ps 3 3 Sagal a 2 2 ; 0j0\0 a FUSION = ons ei stat aoe ROS Ones os y . rat a Assorted Original Savash si ae. |. a - 2 =< eS Sire 10" 134" 5 a al ba te fret aren Eo %y = oi cous |CHOCOLATE/ 23° | A 7) sauel ee i S18 | siiees 738 ac 221" avers 134” FRUITREE =e | LiGUT ile | Natural Stil &, oraz | NIKNAKS | - Topper sist | BAKERS Si | Blue Label in Juice FRUIT Sparkling Biscuits Eet-Sum-Mor ‘Marie Assorted] Assorted fater Biscuits Biscuits . cADBURY| = mr suset SLAB &” De 1 ee ee cesar ae . gacers —-182®|cHocmint 67" | S64"| owem 147" 141” 33" 11 Tennis wwii | Bar One/ _suriex: cAoBuRY swrses | ALIBI cut i27 ua 22s | a Satso8 | ore cary Biscuits: ‘Smarties/ Max ‘Gn? 3522 FOF ‘SMOOTHIES Tex Only Mini Assorted CHAPPIES| TOFILUK ‘SUPA PROMOTION STARTS : THURSDAY 26"JA RY TO WEDNESDAY 01” FEBRUARY 2023

Latest specials

* PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR ff . SUPER Tusk) 2 umn SUN Super| —Z@S=ACE Super [Maize Meal mie Meal | 5| ‘Maize Meal = Polybag i = Icouven | Ae es , PP) Rice KINGKORN MALT RAJAH MILD MASALA ; a & ANCHOR a g — a _ Zo: Pepper a et 217" / 6 Bh Wotereneer) 78% e139" eves i25: 2 oO Nars3s Lami nen i Cannisters (Griginal Only = toi | jon, 86". ALL GOLD ni = pee Rosse &| FAT TOP SELL “STomato Sauce ALLIOY WELLINGTON suackweut| BA ) Salt Fine et Nerve os ass x come | IN ay SE "aga = feeneBos AR Fish biked Beans at bes Koo Wis yay Sy Va scosteg 29,| | 191" =| mS: ead? 18: f 139° ‘9: am Rnervso¥ ; 4 Koo | \ Powder aS Beans = anarc possac > wc] Ee woo] spas oe 0 wu DLITE Oil EXCELLA EXCELLA| @& 2) EXCELLA| an, PAN SAN Cooking aioe Cooking Oil t ¥ cooking oil ¢ { } Cooking Oil| te Cooking Oil i 2 : 5 144™) < axfo hi. SUNSTAR Cooking Oil « = Ne ns 25 21 a Htvecro 173° Rama 918". os I a i asta Sos 0 ware? counay Spaghetti Original Brick YELLOW ‘SPREAD TUB| ara] 3, arene uae ge ee : ee coal a>" L ee Ee | o 60 |e 03 | a ob Bee Beare | ve 182 ferows 28518, 88. p Gover Unrate ore ha Fa pvEnEREStY TEA BAGS TEA BAGS| FULL crea mr Cream Mik cre SEATWATESUGAR | SHATWRTTESUGAR | 8K ra aaa TE] a © seauira = — ND Srency| KE Cold Drink GF | Om im ener] amy Colt Or ‘sorted Dis 03 37 | 7" Cold Drink a Sry 35 | 178: he 28S cr i oe 108. Pi Ps 3 3 Sagal a 2 2 ; 0j0\0 a FUSION = ons ei stat aoe ROS Ones os y . rat a Assorted Original Savash si ae. |. a - 2 =< eS Sire 10" 134" 5 a al ba te fret aren Eo %y = oi cous |CHOCOLATE/ 23° | A 7) sauel ee i S18 | siiees 738 ac 221" avers 134” FRUITREE =e | LiGUT ile | Natural Stil &, oraz | NIKNAKS | - Topper sist | BAKERS Si | Blue Label in Juice FRUIT Sparkling Biscuits Eet-Sum-Mor ‘Marie Assorted] Assorted fater Biscuits Biscuits . cADBURY| = mr suset SLAB &” De 1 ee ee cesar ae . gacers —-182®|cHocmint 67" | S64"| owem 147" 141” 33" 11 Tennis wwii | Bar One/ _suriex: cAoBuRY swrses | ALIBI cut i27 ua 22s | a Satso8 | ore cary Biscuits: ‘Smarties/ Max ‘Gn? 3522 FOF ‘SMOOTHIES Tex Only Mini Assorted CHAPPIES| TOFILUK ‘SUPA PROMOTION STARTS : THURSDAY 26"JA RY TO WEDNESDAY 01” FEBRUARY 2023

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