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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Valid from 23.02 to 01.03 - Page nb 1

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 23.02.2023 - 01.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

VISIT OUR NEW * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI AT PRETORIA WEST STORE WITH WIDE RANGE OF q BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, - Pe BAKERY & HOT FOOD ~ 0 0. G | NOW AVAILABLE ae g IN-STORE o Sea irmerien | some = Zoe: suPeR HED) 2.Ske 8s ees . F Oar ison Scat a SD |. Baches u | 42 aes | F = fiom 50. a = Bee ore = | — CEREBOS SALT Eg - AROMAT| gs == ALLGOLD Te ser ‘KOO, IN STUF be Re sic) em |S comme ames) aa ina Powder Halves a 5 acy |i ' Ba ssorted aL = EN | Me ‘| from, BB sek 38" (S yes | 3 173" || rem 123. me oy 20" Faee io| Maytag" Oo Ra SS ruc Peach — = a . sce] a asa 7 ve ce . me DLITE Oil EXCELLA, EXCELLA) .DILITE PAN +4 SUNSTAR SUNSTAR Cooking Cooking Cooking Oill/ Cooking Oi| (MEME ooking Oil Eee cooking Of & cooking Ol 6159" Oil2 ) iFoIL sox. A... COOKING| SUNEOIL Sunstar | S———FOllSPALM on jupa Crisp sx "aire 153" |kane S18 PERFECTO Sip'zas|RAMA tartans “TT Pasta Brick & Spaghetti Original GOLDI Mixed SERAncow | ' Portion with | * 75% IF, Mixed Far peoonwn | RAINES eaanat 78% te re Ce tS eNAT 23.47 & Chess » Geman wire ca \ Stee Fa Burer yawow ~ Creo Mik _— a ——— T, a ae win , cei Corn | CORN FLAKES =| a 2 103" Flakes Flakes ‘weer, m FIVE 8 7 mies 5 ’ stan Teabags| Teabags EA rortidge B&H Brown Sugar | B.&H.Brown Sugar ze] Eee = we ewnce Sue! REE cour or | 30° | asec! 82" at 206" 7 ar 28.13 syn735| EE nse sso aoe 8 b oe 4 Stfooth BLACK CAT Peanut Buster 33 38 sus fal 194 29| 8 28a | ou ST. Baers 134” 121? oe 39” TAM cme 291" choctam 67" NIKNAKS Blue Label or 22 | russe wie | CHAMPION gmmatan| cor un Lunch Bar PS Bar One/ - swtien Bailer Bag | Marie Ni oe Large ‘Smarties/ oe ze ae Creal . oe c 7 OROS Orange oROS Squash Orange Original A" ns 7 & Siooraes ‘SUPA wun stan mate stl 1347 | Si 42 al | resorts 186" Sant &S s 4 sina ise fas | seers Crete | swincn 138" pst BS. ReFResnowsere Flavoured Sone rink Cold Drink Assorted. WATER Cans Only Assorted Original Plastic | . » FANTA| = SPARLETTA PRES FRUIT & VEG VALID) FOR PRETORIA WEST STORE ONY: | onance {Twist cite a ; BD /sraive, eid rin KE| 1825521 2 STONEY ted] EB Cold Drink! POTATO gt : 9p 184361 99" 5 79") | c| ae eo a Theftpacks rvonion (ey CUTE = : a ee 19 22) eee Se a Sa eh ; sone = iz & FV BANANA\ PROMOTION STARTS

Latest specials

VISIT OUR NEW * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI AT PRETORIA WEST STORE WITH WIDE RANGE OF q BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, - Pe BAKERY & HOT FOOD ~ 0 0. G | NOW AVAILABLE ae g IN-STORE o Sea irmerien | some = Zoe: suPeR HED) 2.Ske 8s ees . F Oar ison Scat a SD |. Baches u | 42 aes | F = fiom 50. a = Bee ore = | — CEREBOS SALT Eg - AROMAT| gs == ALLGOLD Te ser ‘KOO, IN STUF be Re sic) em |S comme ames) aa ina Powder Halves a 5 acy |i ' Ba ssorted aL = EN | Me ‘| from, BB sek 38" (S yes | 3 173" || rem 123. me oy 20" Faee io| Maytag" Oo Ra SS ruc Peach — = a . sce] a asa 7 ve ce . me DLITE Oil EXCELLA, EXCELLA) .DILITE PAN +4 SUNSTAR SUNSTAR Cooking Cooking Cooking Oill/ Cooking Oi| (MEME ooking Oil Eee cooking Of & cooking Ol 6159" Oil2 ) iFoIL sox. A... COOKING| SUNEOIL Sunstar | S———FOllSPALM on jupa Crisp sx "aire 153" |kane S18 PERFECTO Sip'zas|RAMA tartans “TT Pasta Brick & Spaghetti Original GOLDI Mixed SERAncow | ' Portion with | * 75% IF, Mixed Far peoonwn | RAINES eaanat 78% te re Ce tS eNAT 23.47 & Chess » Geman wire ca \ Stee Fa Burer yawow ~ Creo Mik _— a ——— T, a ae win , cei Corn | CORN FLAKES =| a 2 103" Flakes Flakes ‘weer, m FIVE 8 7 mies 5 ’ stan Teabags| Teabags EA rortidge B&H Brown Sugar | B.&H.Brown Sugar ze] Eee = we ewnce Sue! REE cour or | 30° | asec! 82" at 206" 7 ar 28.13 syn735| EE nse sso aoe 8 b oe 4 Stfooth BLACK CAT Peanut Buster 33 38 sus fal 194 29| 8 28a | ou ST. Baers 134” 121? oe 39” TAM cme 291" choctam 67" NIKNAKS Blue Label or 22 | russe wie | CHAMPION gmmatan| cor un Lunch Bar PS Bar One/ - swtien Bailer Bag | Marie Ni oe Large ‘Smarties/ oe ze ae Creal . oe c 7 OROS Orange oROS Squash Orange Original A" ns 7 & Siooraes ‘SUPA wun stan mate stl 1347 | Si 42 al | resorts 186" Sant &S s 4 sina ise fas | seers Crete | swincn 138" pst BS. ReFResnowsere Flavoured Sone rink Cold Drink Assorted. WATER Cans Only Assorted Original Plastic | . » FANTA| = SPARLETTA PRES FRUIT & VEG VALID) FOR PRETORIA WEST STORE ONY: | onance {Twist cite a ; BD /sraive, eid rin KE| 1825521 2 STONEY ted] EB Cold Drink! POTATO gt : 9p 184361 99" 5 79") | c| ae eo a Theftpacks rvonion (ey CUTE = : a ee 19 22) eee Se a Sa eh ; sone = iz & FV BANANA\ PROMOTION STARTS

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