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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Valid from 16.02 to 22.02 - Page nb 1

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 16.02.2023 - 22.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

VISIT OUR NEW FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT AT PRETORIA WEST STORE WITH WIDE RANGE OF BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, BAKERY & HOT FOOD NOW AVAILABLE * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI IN-STORE aemel oe oo - SE mSTICOKE =| Cees Bee suenewe | FRESE 2. sires BREET Supreme ae Tus i | Lai suPRE NE . suPen| | | soper| Beam eee | | or| or | Rag Cae iz: Maze Mea | Maize Meal BA concentrate ooss2r| ean 2036 | Flour oa Sg | = = 120" cael caged | YEAST tette se | instant Dry with vit ¢ =] AROMAT, cnossta| ‘Top sett a nc Cannisters aLACKWELL Salt Fine ran Criginal Ont ovonnaise| Poly| Ly cio) = 13°| |i nso a 2). bonps| 32" ie Sor ee 173 $3. saocntSon Stock Carte =. 2 Boner ll mpear sr aniarc EXCELLA Bete = n oe e EXCELLA| Diiite or mat DLITE Oil ; 4 Feet & Necks coking Cooking| Cooking Oill ooking Oil SUNSTAR 173° 159" oil 3 Cooking Oil inane sai 144", als ; “var 26.08 | KOO) tna Sova 23.86 f Peach Enaeacaen p Halves Sethi 5 Sy = 20 | I SL ur SUNEOIL <unstar | PammmOLAPALA \ ee | COOKING te OIL oll mG SUNFOIL 32 PeRrecto 153" siar23s Spaghetti Sk Savmul tei aes Original as an a Bertin Sia toni Ss ie re ee) ww = = Glen: “3 KELLOGGS 'KELLOGGS: a bed —— Ges IPS A Com a con Fees a a } a BL , 2 04 el , vee”) BSS 0-108 nus 92" lis . 53° wis ANT ROSE SoKo iN | strips strips io. site SUPER SUN intra Teabags| Teabags Teabags qEeaaee ea Baas X "Porridge : s73ear ‘sri ‘SELAT! GOLDEN ‘SELATI GOLDEN BLACK CAT Peanut BLACK CAT Peanut war: e sean | fg sélani] arownsucan ‘ Jy SUGAR = Butter Smooth Butter Smooth S@) we FQ = = ¥ cel Be | —— OR se aoe | QR, neue | nne034 . 5003 N21 | ag 230"| Neel 23") 211" oO AT | 0 Age 5113" 284" . rot Jeetbix S | © : ‘cADBURY es GE. = = t Ft Assorted 1 € 2 nee fies ——— = 7 BAKERS 73" leas 221” | sakers 1347) Bakers 170 141" oe fale rea sc. a ee = fsortes scone Bs CHAPPIES 1 Original = FUSION = i smooth LoROS Orange onos Squash Orange Assorted | Original Bare a : sles a a e ss crocmin 678) nex = 64 | Taek sats | FRUITREE EES 3°] a 29. sats ‘Smarties/ SMOOTHIES |-O-POP Juice ‘Tex Only Mini ‘SUPA. |Sach Reds} Assorted 3 Pack wun e Smee t asserted x itp z 7 ‘4 LAD aQuellé 4° 186" 2 5 sure oars eg ace | sc rcs | COKE/sorte LBB | 5 , pees: 89" | RerReswnn Sparking favou oe Ben a raat Cold Drink WATER Cans Only a Drink MOUNTAIN riginal Plastic ants] spamuetia J _FResnw RT a veGvALO FOR PRETOMA WESTSTORE OMY AD Senire cod brink coon Ce tt ss 9 ae mee Assen ri “hes = 4 Pocket TOMATO [i 1a2szat BUTTERNUT wai 9" c| ae 137" J. \ Thriftpacks FVONION Pockets a ue sare |i auras: ae te By) fan ’ { aay ay oe) Buena } } —! | TH ro PROMOTION STARTS : THURSDAY 16 FEBR TO WEDNESDAY 22” FEBRUARY 2023

Latest specials

VISIT OUR NEW FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT AT PRETORIA WEST STORE WITH WIDE RANGE OF BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, BAKERY & HOT FOOD NOW AVAILABLE * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI IN-STORE aemel oe oo - SE mSTICOKE =| Cees Bee suenewe | FRESE 2. sires BREET Supreme ae Tus i | Lai suPRE NE . suPen| | | soper| Beam eee | | or| or | Rag Cae iz: Maze Mea | Maize Meal BA concentrate ooss2r| ean 2036 | Flour oa Sg | = = 120" cael caged | YEAST tette se | instant Dry with vit ¢ =] AROMAT, cnossta| ‘Top sett a nc Cannisters aLACKWELL Salt Fine ran Criginal Ont ovonnaise| Poly| Ly cio) = 13°| |i nso a 2). bonps| 32" ie Sor ee 173 $3. saocntSon Stock Carte =. 2 Boner ll mpear sr aniarc EXCELLA Bete = n oe e EXCELLA| Diiite or mat DLITE Oil ; 4 Feet & Necks coking Cooking| Cooking Oill ooking Oil SUNSTAR 173° 159" oil 3 Cooking Oil inane sai 144", als ; “var 26.08 | KOO) tna Sova 23.86 f Peach Enaeacaen p Halves Sethi 5 Sy = 20 | I SL ur SUNEOIL <unstar | PammmOLAPALA \ ee | COOKING te OIL oll mG SUNFOIL 32 PeRrecto 153" siar23s Spaghetti Sk Savmul tei aes Original as an a Bertin Sia toni Ss ie re ee) ww = = Glen: “3 KELLOGGS 'KELLOGGS: a bed —— Ges IPS A Com a con Fees a a } a BL , 2 04 el , vee”) BSS 0-108 nus 92" lis . 53° wis ANT ROSE SoKo iN | strips strips io. site SUPER SUN intra Teabags| Teabags Teabags qEeaaee ea Baas X "Porridge : s73ear ‘sri ‘SELAT! GOLDEN ‘SELATI GOLDEN BLACK CAT Peanut BLACK CAT Peanut war: e sean | fg sélani] arownsucan ‘ Jy SUGAR = Butter Smooth Butter Smooth S@) we FQ = = ¥ cel Be | —— OR se aoe | QR, neue | nne034 . 5003 N21 | ag 230"| Neel 23") 211" oO AT | 0 Age 5113" 284" . rot Jeetbix S | © : ‘cADBURY es GE. = = t Ft Assorted 1 € 2 nee fies ——— = 7 BAKERS 73" leas 221” | sakers 1347) Bakers 170 141" oe fale rea sc. a ee = fsortes scone Bs CHAPPIES 1 Original = FUSION = i smooth LoROS Orange onos Squash Orange Assorted | Original Bare a : sles a a e ss crocmin 678) nex = 64 | Taek sats | FRUITREE EES 3°] a 29. sats ‘Smarties/ SMOOTHIES |-O-POP Juice ‘Tex Only Mini ‘SUPA. |Sach Reds} Assorted 3 Pack wun e Smee t asserted x itp z 7 ‘4 LAD aQuellé 4° 186" 2 5 sure oars eg ace | sc rcs | COKE/sorte LBB | 5 , pees: 89" | RerReswnn Sparking favou oe Ben a raat Cold Drink WATER Cans Only a Drink MOUNTAIN riginal Plastic ants] spamuetia J _FResnw RT a veGvALO FOR PRETOMA WESTSTORE OMY AD Senire cod brink coon Ce tt ss 9 ae mee Assen ri “hes = 4 Pocket TOMATO [i 1a2szat BUTTERNUT wai 9" c| ae 137" J. \ Thriftpacks FVONION Pockets a ue sare |i auras: ae te By) fan ’ { aay ay oe) Buena } } —! | TH ro PROMOTION STARTS : THURSDAY 16 FEBR TO WEDNESDAY 22” FEBRUARY 2023

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