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Current special House & Home - Valid from 30.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 8

Special House & Home 30.11.2021 - 30.11.2021

Products in this catalogue

Black 4-Plate Kitchenaire Stove DSS694 + 3-Year Warranty P3999 NOW ONLY P169 PM X 30 months. P400 deposit. Total payable P4950 at 23% interest. + Removable Inner Glass * Steam Assisted Cleaning * Static Bake + Static Grill + Conventional Bake * 2 Thermal Protection Plates * 78LT Capacity + Warmer Drawer 3-Burner Boiling Table P1299 SAVE P300 — Multifunction Black Glass Double Oven DBO467 + 3-Year Warranty P9999 SAVE P1000 Convection Oven SPCO-1200C + Contents not included P599 SAVE P100 CONVENIENT & AFFORDABLE FAVOURITES ENERGY RATING salton Hisense SAMSUNG Snappy Chef P2299 | fis: P2499 | sims P1199 | salton —— P1199 | ree Ss tess NOW ONLY | Mirror-Door = SAVE P400 | Microwave Oven NOW ONLY | semko2 SAVE P150 | Steel Pot Set Microwave ME6194ST = Contents per set SSCSO12 Oven + 2-Year Guarantee not included H43MOMMI + 2-Year Guarantee @ Russell Hobbs d Seraereset, tea ron Els ath or + 2200W nn Wet & Dry cue page b2ee" aa SAVE P50 ae ~ P799 . SAVE P80 P39 PM X 30 months. P80 deposit. Total payable P1140 at 23% interest. Ce Fe There’s no place like -louse &liome a Dee Ree mex EL & customer care line: 0861 00 8861 / 0861 11 3213 Gaborone — (00267) 390 9027, Shop 18, Cr Airport Junction and At Francistown Road, Terms and Conditions: prices advertised are applicable within Botswana ony nstaiment prices ckplayed ine VA, interest and ‘compulsory insurance, but exclude optional insurance and deer charges. No Depoat and terms subject o credit approval. Al ced appicabone we subyect to credit chock and aerdabity aseessmert, Depot may have Gtvees hneyhcismartarn ers it hs Dg rts fou Bee Say poe pes ocanes nafs eat ear chore Sans nomamnop eee toeaestaee Find any iter cheaper at any other retail, provide a quote or current catalogue and we wil refund the difference plus 5% ofthe difference, Ths condtonal onthe day of the purchase from House & Home, and the period $$ for wich te pce rom House & Hore vad kx, and ct thera Ths ler excludes Stare Openings, Cranes or Lined Quant fers. Al products inated in Kes ae nett ae. Peduts ae aval om all branches however, due to our vast range, all products may nat necessariy be on diplay i all stores, Acceseanes optional extras Should an error occur cr meamplete mformation be ported n ths advertsement, we HHI92 wil play a notice in-store with all he correct details. No Dealers alowed. Shopite Checkers (PTY) Lid /a House & Home isan Authored Financial Services Provider and Shopite Investment Lid isan Authorised ect Provider Proud tobe NCA compliant (NCACPGDSG). EBOE PRICES VALID FROM 5 - 18 SEPTEMBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

Latest specials

Black 4-Plate Kitchenaire Stove DSS694 + 3-Year Warranty P3999 NOW ONLY P169 PM X 30 months. P400 deposit. Total payable P4950 at 23% interest. + Removable Inner Glass * Steam Assisted Cleaning * Static Bake + Static Grill + Conventional Bake * 2 Thermal Protection Plates * 78LT Capacity + Warmer Drawer 3-Burner Boiling Table P1299 SAVE P300 — Multifunction Black Glass Double Oven DBO467 + 3-Year Warranty P9999 SAVE P1000 Convection Oven SPCO-1200C + Contents not included P599 SAVE P100 CONVENIENT & AFFORDABLE FAVOURITES ENERGY RATING salton Hisense SAMSUNG Snappy Chef P2299 | fis: P2499 | sims P1199 | salton —— P1199 | ree Ss tess NOW ONLY | Mirror-Door = SAVE P400 | Microwave Oven NOW ONLY | semko2 SAVE P150 | Steel Pot Set Microwave ME6194ST = Contents per set SSCSO12 Oven + 2-Year Guarantee not included H43MOMMI + 2-Year Guarantee @ Russell Hobbs d Seraereset, tea ron Els ath or + 2200W nn Wet & Dry cue page b2ee" aa SAVE P50 ae ~ P799 . SAVE P80 P39 PM X 30 months. P80 deposit. Total payable P1140 at 23% interest. Ce Fe There’s no place like -louse &liome a Dee Ree mex EL & customer care line: 0861 00 8861 / 0861 11 3213 Gaborone — (00267) 390 9027, Shop 18, Cr Airport Junction and At Francistown Road, Terms and Conditions: prices advertised are applicable within Botswana ony nstaiment prices ckplayed ine VA, interest and ‘compulsory insurance, but exclude optional insurance and deer charges. No Depoat and terms subject o credit approval. Al ced appicabone we subyect to credit chock and aerdabity aseessmert, Depot may have Gtvees hneyhcismartarn ers it hs Dg rts fou Bee Say poe pes ocanes nafs eat ear chore Sans nomamnop eee toeaestaee Find any iter cheaper at any other retail, provide a quote or current catalogue and we wil refund the difference plus 5% ofthe difference, Ths condtonal onthe day of the purchase from House & Home, and the period $$ for wich te pce rom House & Hore vad kx, and ct thera Ths ler excludes Stare Openings, Cranes or Lined Quant fers. Al products inated in Kes ae nett ae. Peduts ae aval om all branches however, due to our vast range, all products may nat necessariy be on diplay i all stores, Acceseanes optional extras Should an error occur cr meamplete mformation be ported n ths advertsement, we HHI92 wil play a notice in-store with all he correct details. No Dealers alowed. Shopite Checkers (PTY) Lid /a House & Home isan Authored Financial Services Provider and Shopite Investment Lid isan Authorised ect Provider Proud tobe NCA compliant (NCACPGDSG). EBOE PRICES VALID FROM 5 - 18 SEPTEMBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

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