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Current special House & Home - Valid from 24.08 to 04.09 - Page nb 8

Special House & Home 24.08.2022 - 04.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

a ee cone uu One ele Cr) ii keaiteeatia 45999 R1499 Hadley Medium Multipurpose Shoe Rack *Base set, bedding also AVAILABLE and accessories Haciey Large nt included Multipurpose Shoe Rack fRa4de, SAVE R00 z | P8499 fs Sz 711999 i, Toad eam 4999 Fig Eta con Ae mtn 87999 152cm Rhapso« meee *2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty RAQQQ Pitow:top'tasesee — RGAQO sesso RB4QQ Piiowfop ase set RBOQY Priow'top base set * 1-Year Guarantee © 2-Year Guarantee #2-Year Guarantee * 2-Year Guarantee Included in a included ina Included in a Included in a 10-Year Service 8-Year Service oo 10-Year Service © 10-Year Service Warranty Warranty waetoasis. Warranty Lunar Warranty yn) cg FORYOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VST QUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE UNE ; . {3 ces averted apc itn South Aiea cn insane routs epee A, eet cet We mrace mony sere aii spate, A exces opto nance and deve charges Ales ppkcators we abietbanaterabay There's no place like 2 sneer ni reqredby Be NA ond ts Regt Requreents fr re appicatrs must wie apy of yaa dey ace st He pags ender tk Sater, roa of ead ho ket fan 3 marie and mer exprots. epost ay hare © be pod Fk | - S : 3 Scr cod ammo Sct cn Sans apy wt ce! pn amin eats dp oF yt asa se mt poe are casa a be 5 tac fn Sete area nonstate dees ett cst tea reo Se pr Ca ts ut ols Mc rs nha wn oe ee bern et sre con Sew pe ree nev cn eed pc es ot ar bt rece nae oe Cares eng Ve moa er © Sar poe nee lisoT eee creoresty pin Ce pts pe ere es ent awn Seat te ae ge rane rant eta a mh earn eons nap are reas aay a of te ee and Pov PCD ad Sn Poa PP i asbeAonr PRICES VALID FROM 24 AUGUST- 4 SEPTEMBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

Latest specials

a ee cone uu One ele Cr) ii keaiteeatia 45999 R1499 Hadley Medium Multipurpose Shoe Rack *Base set, bedding also AVAILABLE and accessories Haciey Large nt included Multipurpose Shoe Rack fRa4de, SAVE R00 z | P8499 fs Sz 711999 i, Toad eam 4999 Fig Eta con Ae mtn 87999 152cm Rhapso« meee *2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty RAQQQ Pitow:top'tasesee — RGAQO sesso RB4QQ Piiowfop ase set RBOQY Priow'top base set * 1-Year Guarantee © 2-Year Guarantee #2-Year Guarantee * 2-Year Guarantee Included in a included ina Included in a Included in a 10-Year Service 8-Year Service oo 10-Year Service © 10-Year Service Warranty Warranty waetoasis. Warranty Lunar Warranty yn) cg FORYOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VST QUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE UNE ; . {3 ces averted apc itn South Aiea cn insane routs epee A, eet cet We mrace mony sere aii spate, A exces opto nance and deve charges Ales ppkcators we abietbanaterabay There's no place like 2 sneer ni reqredby Be NA ond ts Regt Requreents fr re appicatrs must wie apy of yaa dey ace st He pags ender tk Sater, roa of ead ho ket fan 3 marie and mer exprots. epost ay hare © be pod Fk | - S : 3 Scr cod ammo Sct cn Sans apy wt ce! pn amin eats dp oF yt asa se mt poe are casa a be 5 tac fn Sete area nonstate dees ett cst tea reo Se pr Ca ts ut ols Mc rs nha wn oe ee bern et sre con Sew pe ree nev cn eed pc es ot ar bt rece nae oe Cares eng Ve moa er © Sar poe nee lisoT eee creoresty pin Ce pts pe ere es ent awn Seat te ae ge rane rant eta a mh earn eons nap are reas aay a of te ee and Pov PCD ad Sn Poa PP i asbeAonr PRICES VALID FROM 24 AUGUST- 4 SEPTEMBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

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