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Current special House & Home - Valid from 22.08 to 30.09 - Page nb 2

Special House & Home 22.08.2022 - 30.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

smn Lounge Suite with Consoles * Scatter cushions and Perera accessories not included PoE ss ae NS 3-Piece Eastleigh Chaise Lounge Suite a NS: TeMt Piece Pair clad Lounge oe 9999 wi ctoman 14999 * Ottoman and accessories not included * Accessories not included oie ty cae ve OV a a Ne PTS Rly re TST LS) ee ) FL Ys os COR EC ALSO AVAILABLE Ash Veneer Side Table NS1499, Save N$700 NS41499 NS2299 Logan Souflett Coffee Table i Entertainment Stand * Accessories : * Audiovisual not included equipment and accessories not included Leo Multipurpose Lilly Multipurpose Louis Multipurpose $4 699 Coffee Table Coffee Table NS 1999 Coffee Table - ~ * Laptop and accessories gai * Laptop and accessories * Laptop and accessories not included not included not included

Latest specials

smn Lounge Suite with Consoles * Scatter cushions and Perera accessories not included PoE ss ae NS 3-Piece Eastleigh Chaise Lounge Suite a NS: TeMt Piece Pair clad Lounge oe 9999 wi ctoman 14999 * Ottoman and accessories not included * Accessories not included oie ty cae ve OV a a Ne PTS Rly re TST LS) ee ) FL Ys os COR EC ALSO AVAILABLE Ash Veneer Side Table NS1499, Save N$700 NS41499 NS2299 Logan Souflett Coffee Table i Entertainment Stand * Accessories : * Audiovisual not included equipment and accessories not included Leo Multipurpose Lilly Multipurpose Louis Multipurpose $4 699 Coffee Table Coffee Table NS 1999 Coffee Table - ~ * Laptop and accessories gai * Laptop and accessories * Laptop and accessories not included not included not included

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