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Current special House & Home - Valid from 22.08 to 04.09 - Page nb 12

Special House & Home 22.08.2022 - 04.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

TY uel) RESTONIC "$8499 Luner 152cm Gibraltar Pillow-Top Base Set * 2-Year Guarantee Included in 10-Year Service Warranty Serta sertapedic. 152cm Astra Pillow-Top Base Set * 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty nated et mae Lk: be Pee ae SSR <2 Queen green 152cm Forest Base Set $8999 sans NS41999 sez" ALSO AVAILABLE 152cm Misty Base Set NS$9999, Save NS2000 green a) SO mer Re RRL Re cn There’s no place like 'B Walvis Bay (054) 200 020/52, Wembil Park Mall (061) 204 430/24, Maerua Mall - (061) 200 6786/2. Terms and Condon: prioes advertised are applicable within Namibia ony Al terms indude depot {© VAT and finance charges, bul exclude insurance and delvery charges, unless oderse stated Provide your 1, est 3 meh’ pays, poo of redence ol ok han 3 months and moth expense deta 1b © ensue ropid response to your ret appiation. No Depest and Terms subject fo cred approval. Depast may have io be pad. SNS fr cred ~ SMS cots NST. Products are aval from al ranches however, 3 due to au vat range, al products may not necessary be on dply Fal stores Al products eeScaed res arv fy pet vale, Pre-approved creat subject to cre checks. Slandard Tams and Conditions & sooty Lay-by avalabieon selected stock Enqure sore for more deta. Standard rms and cactons app. Find any Rem cheaper at any athe retaer rove &qunte cr cen catalogue and we wil rnd Be dance pa So ha dance. Ths cael one day of pacha rH & Hane a the pac fa whch he rice Ka House & Pome ak rot eo Ta fr eae Ip a eas creer rnee ce me cee ee nee or nc peemeere tee bee ca gies er PRICES VALID FROM 22 AUGUST -4 SEPTEMBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

Latest specials

TY uel) RESTONIC "$8499 Luner 152cm Gibraltar Pillow-Top Base Set * 2-Year Guarantee Included in 10-Year Service Warranty Serta sertapedic. 152cm Astra Pillow-Top Base Set * 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty nated et mae Lk: be Pee ae SSR <2 Queen green 152cm Forest Base Set $8999 sans NS41999 sez" ALSO AVAILABLE 152cm Misty Base Set NS$9999, Save NS2000 green a) SO mer Re RRL Re cn There’s no place like 'B Walvis Bay (054) 200 020/52, Wembil Park Mall (061) 204 430/24, Maerua Mall - (061) 200 6786/2. Terms and Condon: prioes advertised are applicable within Namibia ony Al terms indude depot {© VAT and finance charges, bul exclude insurance and delvery charges, unless oderse stated Provide your 1, est 3 meh’ pays, poo of redence ol ok han 3 months and moth expense deta 1b © ensue ropid response to your ret appiation. No Depest and Terms subject fo cred approval. Depast may have io be pad. SNS fr cred ~ SMS cots NST. Products are aval from al ranches however, 3 due to au vat range, al products may not necessary be on dply Fal stores Al products eeScaed res arv fy pet vale, Pre-approved creat subject to cre checks. Slandard Tams and Conditions & sooty Lay-by avalabieon selected stock Enqure sore for more deta. Standard rms and cactons app. Find any Rem cheaper at any athe retaer rove &qunte cr cen catalogue and we wil rnd Be dance pa So ha dance. Ths cael one day of pacha rH & Hane a the pac fa whch he rice Ka House & Pome ak rot eo Ta fr eae Ip a eas creer rnee ce me cee ee nee or nc peemeere tee bee ca gies er PRICES VALID FROM 22 AUGUST -4 SEPTEMBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

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