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Current special Game - Valid from 28.12 to 10.01 - Page nb 16

Special Game 28.12.2022 - 10.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

i 2 ' } 8 Robertson's \ ' AitGots . Spices i MG Tomato 5; Refit t ae ‘Sauce 128-1689 { D A > ul ta ace j “ANY 2FOR 2FOR ANY 2FOR) jas ANY 2FOR | Knorr Salad Creamy 0 ' Dressing heed | i / 340 mi Mayonnaise i ee Assorted 7509 ' Rhodes Baked Ze e° ' Beonsin Fruitin ' Fatt's & Monts Seen binice see ' 1x Wiltards Chips Strips Spaghetti OR nO ' OR Jumping Jack BOTH FOR Macaroni 500.9 4 af pomocees, | Popcorn Strips Assorted 1x Bakers Topper aaveroE &FOR ANY SEOR | PLUS x Game Ad Exam Biscule 1259 Assorted , ‘1xGame Spirat fe Notebook At 80 Pages. 100 Sheets, Back Cat J Con TANES ketloge’s ae cart utter Sak | Jungle ay ‘con ‘Sugar 2kg praia S| wnite star ous WEETBIX a A Fates ees P tittan, |Subee Matce re Originat ie 2FOR ‘2 ANY2FOR ‘Meat 10 kg tkg an : , > Bokomo Weet-Bix —_ = 9009 oa po ‘asia 283 - wari, Tasty Treats reat Value = F Cheezy I ecssno ince UHTL = Nescaté et ‘ite ee tea B Reatysautte PEP ornne ea 00 Ue Consett ext Cate rontes Ss, 2FOR ane 3 ‘eo 4.6009 ANY4FOR l 93 Baumanns ne Five Roses African e - } Biscuits = Blend Teabags 200s Assorted Beacon Uuerice Dr isons on pay eucy FBS aynarcs Fi27 chocolate ME sinoa chins Sweets 759 ae a Strips 4x259 Resorted e Bd Assorted ms ae —= ANYSFOR ANY 3 FOR Moynorcs Sweet Nestle 5 mT og Wy rcees : Chocolates : Lay's Potato 1259 ] Mini Bags 1 3 (Chips 1209 Assorted 1359-1899 2 JAssorted = = = = = 2 ANY 6 FOR 2FOR ; EF Coen eon, Pepst Pepsi Orginal, Fanta Sprite Secon —_ Max Mirinds 0 OR Stoney Fanta Orange k + - > au 7 ‘Soft rink rero OR ! ice Water AA 8x 200 mirssorns Se fe IRE zissores J foes ™! E i aay ~ Belgravia == aS Brutal Fruit 2FOR Gin & Tonic Rees Apple Ruby OR Dry ] R Fay ‘ Nee. Lf Lemon Cans. eo 6x275mt 6x 440 mi 2 6x ; { (on a i Beer NRE 6x330mi [org LARA Tullamore | Dew Blended Irish Whiskey 750 mt ] © a a

Latest specials

i 2 ' } 8 Robertson's \ ' AitGots . Spices i MG Tomato 5; Refit t ae ‘Sauce 128-1689 { D A > ul ta ace j “ANY 2FOR 2FOR ANY 2FOR) jas ANY 2FOR | Knorr Salad Creamy 0 ' Dressing heed | i / 340 mi Mayonnaise i ee Assorted 7509 ' Rhodes Baked Ze e° ' Beonsin Fruitin ' Fatt's & Monts Seen binice see ' 1x Wiltards Chips Strips Spaghetti OR nO ' OR Jumping Jack BOTH FOR Macaroni 500.9 4 af pomocees, | Popcorn Strips Assorted 1x Bakers Topper aaveroE &FOR ANY SEOR | PLUS x Game Ad Exam Biscule 1259 Assorted , ‘1xGame Spirat fe Notebook At 80 Pages. 100 Sheets, Back Cat J Con TANES ketloge’s ae cart utter Sak | Jungle ay ‘con ‘Sugar 2kg praia S| wnite star ous WEETBIX a A Fates ees P tittan, |Subee Matce re Originat ie 2FOR ‘2 ANY2FOR ‘Meat 10 kg tkg an : , > Bokomo Weet-Bix —_ = 9009 oa po ‘asia 283 - wari, Tasty Treats reat Value = F Cheezy I ecssno ince UHTL = Nescaté et ‘ite ee tea B Reatysautte PEP ornne ea 00 Ue Consett ext Cate rontes Ss, 2FOR ane 3 ‘eo 4.6009 ANY4FOR l 93 Baumanns ne Five Roses African e - } Biscuits = Blend Teabags 200s Assorted Beacon Uuerice Dr isons on pay eucy FBS aynarcs Fi27 chocolate ME sinoa chins Sweets 759 ae a Strips 4x259 Resorted e Bd Assorted ms ae —= ANYSFOR ANY 3 FOR Moynorcs Sweet Nestle 5 mT og Wy rcees : Chocolates : Lay's Potato 1259 ] Mini Bags 1 3 (Chips 1209 Assorted 1359-1899 2 JAssorted = = = = = 2 ANY 6 FOR 2FOR ; EF Coen eon, Pepst Pepsi Orginal, Fanta Sprite Secon —_ Max Mirinds 0 OR Stoney Fanta Orange k + - > au 7 ‘Soft rink rero OR ! ice Water AA 8x 200 mirssorns Se fe IRE zissores J foes ™! E i aay ~ Belgravia == aS Brutal Fruit 2FOR Gin & Tonic Rees Apple Ruby OR Dry ] R Fay ‘ Nee. Lf Lemon Cans. eo 6x275mt 6x 440 mi 2 6x ; { (on a i Beer NRE 6x330mi [org LARA Tullamore | Dew Blended Irish Whiskey 750 mt ] © a a

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