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Current special Game - Valid from 16.11 to 22.11 - Page nb 2

Special Game 16.11.2022 - 22.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

mone Ess Sie 3 a BE pt) oil a et RH a 2FOR ANY 2FOR ANY 4FOR PacodontaxTootipaste string Mouthwash Dove Cotton Woot Great Valve Sta-Soft Fotrie arpic Waite & Shine Any 2 forR150 Tammassortes Coot Mint 750 Pade 808 PLUS Dove Refuse Bags 20s Softener Tost Cleanee “Arataie ot ented oes Cotton Buds 2008 2LAssortes 750 mt Assorted a a roy LO Ts i Lad t ay & ’ 1 nN) | e q — 4 Fr ay Suntion Dishwashing quid Regular z 2 ANY 2FOR » ANY 2FOR > a ‘ = = Dettot Antiseptic Liquid bets 750 ml Assorted Sadie OR Blue Sanex Shower Gel LUtebvoy Hygiene che Te cee ‘Ice Roll-on 40 mi. 500 mi Assorted Soap 1759 sorted Assorted Any 2 forR116 | - a) ARieL GRICE ee Glade Aerosol Air Freshener TBO mLAssarted WE BEAT ANY PRICE. BY 10% ON THE DIFFERENCE. Pan hee eC AUR MM s-lal dele) BT Peel icreuleome lic eee ORCL Twinsaver 1 Ply ew 2 Ply White Toitet eect Tissue 9s Ariel Handwash Liquid 1 LAssorted Any 3 forR100 Scan this code to learn haw Riis Fock A Pampers Huggies Pants i ws Me Min Mutt Surface | res ae re | D Cleaner 300 ml Assorted Assorted Size @ ers ei wed ik — v | 159 Nestlé Nido $+ Growing Gare Mitk Powder 900 9 fohrsons e 12x ~ om bad ‘ Ea ee = \=e) a $ Ge Nest Cerelse / t - Baby Cereat Rhodes Squish ANY 2FOR Se ateeoret Pouches 110 ml Assorted Johnson's Baby lly Johnson's Baby Shampoo Pampers Baby Wipes ‘Huggies Baby Wipes Any 6 forR90 300 miAssoted 750 mt Assorted Senstive OR Fresh Teeback Assorted 6-Pack SAFEWAY Ort Infant Seat- Group Johnson's Baby Soap 175 g Assorted

Latest specials

mone Ess Sie 3 a BE pt) oil a et RH a 2FOR ANY 2FOR ANY 4FOR PacodontaxTootipaste string Mouthwash Dove Cotton Woot Great Valve Sta-Soft Fotrie arpic Waite & Shine Any 2 forR150 Tammassortes Coot Mint 750 Pade 808 PLUS Dove Refuse Bags 20s Softener Tost Cleanee “Arataie ot ented oes Cotton Buds 2008 2LAssortes 750 mt Assorted a a roy LO Ts i Lad t ay & ’ 1 nN) | e q — 4 Fr ay Suntion Dishwashing quid Regular z 2 ANY 2FOR » ANY 2FOR > a ‘ = = Dettot Antiseptic Liquid bets 750 ml Assorted Sadie OR Blue Sanex Shower Gel LUtebvoy Hygiene che Te cee ‘Ice Roll-on 40 mi. 500 mi Assorted Soap 1759 sorted Assorted Any 2 forR116 | - a) ARieL GRICE ee Glade Aerosol Air Freshener TBO mLAssarted WE BEAT ANY PRICE. BY 10% ON THE DIFFERENCE. Pan hee eC AUR MM s-lal dele) BT Peel icreuleome lic eee ORCL Twinsaver 1 Ply ew 2 Ply White Toitet eect Tissue 9s Ariel Handwash Liquid 1 LAssorted Any 3 forR100 Scan this code to learn haw Riis Fock A Pampers Huggies Pants i ws Me Min Mutt Surface | res ae re | D Cleaner 300 ml Assorted Assorted Size @ ers ei wed ik — v | 159 Nestlé Nido $+ Growing Gare Mitk Powder 900 9 fohrsons e 12x ~ om bad ‘ Ea ee = \=e) a $ Ge Nest Cerelse / t - Baby Cereat Rhodes Squish ANY 2FOR Se ateeoret Pouches 110 ml Assorted Johnson's Baby lly Johnson's Baby Shampoo Pampers Baby Wipes ‘Huggies Baby Wipes Any 6 forR90 300 miAssoted 750 mt Assorted Senstive OR Fresh Teeback Assorted 6-Pack SAFEWAY Ort Infant Seat- Group Johnson's Baby Soap 175 g Assorted

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