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Current special Game - Valid from 19.10 to 30.10 - Page nb 2

Special Game 19.10.2022 - 30.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 400 SS re SAVE 500 ON CREDIT ‘43° UHO Smart TV (@3au7000) ten: 826966 | SAVE 1000 ON CREDIT R387: Ruse 50° UKD TV (seau7000) R345%: 32" Smart HOTV (52N5500) SAVE600) “""*” 65° OLEO 4K Smart TV (aassosoaaK) ier oe: 832268 SAVE 2000 ON CREDIT SAVE 1000 RGB =: 557 UMD TV(55AU7000) x36 em 90: 826182 TOTAL REPAYABLE R25.15@ 20.25% 21 Channet Sounsbar ‘with Dotby (8550) SAVE 500 } | on crEoIT 70" UHD Smart Thind TV 65" NanoCell NANO79 iw | SAVE 3500 | (ourrsscmvo) Seis Sk thind TV R782 ON CREDIT 7 eS TOTAL REPAYABLE R656 ®: a siaecielliertacerel ° "SAVESOO HD Decoder Standatone aR 4 a SAVE200 tm po 823999 Petia eS ee Explore Ultra Standalone yas 70000 Saat HD Single View Decoder Installed +1 SAVE 100 SAVE 300

Latest specials

SAVE 400 SS re SAVE 500 ON CREDIT ‘43° UHO Smart TV (@3au7000) ten: 826966 | SAVE 1000 ON CREDIT R387: Ruse 50° UKD TV (seau7000) R345%: 32" Smart HOTV (52N5500) SAVE600) “""*” 65° OLEO 4K Smart TV (aassosoaaK) ier oe: 832268 SAVE 2000 ON CREDIT SAVE 1000 RGB =: 557 UMD TV(55AU7000) x36 em 90: 826182 TOTAL REPAYABLE R25.15@ 20.25% 21 Channet Sounsbar ‘with Dotby (8550) SAVE 500 } | on crEoIT 70" UHD Smart Thind TV 65" NanoCell NANO79 iw | SAVE 3500 | (ourrsscmvo) Seis Sk thind TV R782 ON CREDIT 7 eS TOTAL REPAYABLE R656 ®: a siaecielliertacerel ° "SAVESOO HD Decoder Standatone aR 4 a SAVE200 tm po 823999 Petia eS ee Explore Ultra Standalone yas 70000 Saat HD Single View Decoder Installed +1 SAVE 100 SAVE 300

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