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Current special Game - Valid from 22.03 to 18.04 - Page nb 2

Special Game 22.03.2023 - 18.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

IT'S = FEEDING 4 TIME. NIDO "s Help your baby grow iy! here He strong and healthy be! ~— ; Infacare Juice . 200 ml Assorted with nutritional foods at unbeatable prices, —_ =z =a ——— pukyai =a ee my boy A Ez ‘Spel mmm Purity 3rd Foods 250 mt =) = Foods 200 mt a=) Assorted J pivsron Buty it = 55 FOR Foods 80 ml —a— Assorted - Rhodes Squish Purity Mabele A E Futuretife SM 100% Fruit Soft Porridge Urea Tots Cereal Puree 110 mt 3509 2509 Assorted Assorted S Assorted 4 = q 5S =a ANY 2FOR - SS ANY2 FOR Nestlé SUPER SAVER Neste | Bokomo Nestlé Cerelac We ~ Cerelac Stage 1 proNut =" ProNutro Nestum Baby a ep Cereat500g Cereal 500g 4 Regular Cereal ONUtO Toddies 2509 (Toa Assorted Assorted + Assorted * 1kg ANYZFOR =) <= /ANV2FOR wee 149 aS eS 25°? e. “9 | . e 20% |; little ‘39 oO. 145 OFF us) FEEDING ACCESSORIES. (EXCLUDING BOTTLES) Encourages independent eating, a uksae ta socialisation and family interaction during meal time.

Latest specials

IT'S = FEEDING 4 TIME. NIDO "s Help your baby grow iy! here He strong and healthy be! ~— ; Infacare Juice . 200 ml Assorted with nutritional foods at unbeatable prices, —_ =z =a ——— pukyai =a ee my boy A Ez ‘Spel mmm Purity 3rd Foods 250 mt =) = Foods 200 mt a=) Assorted J pivsron Buty it = 55 FOR Foods 80 ml —a— Assorted - Rhodes Squish Purity Mabele A E Futuretife SM 100% Fruit Soft Porridge Urea Tots Cereal Puree 110 mt 3509 2509 Assorted Assorted S Assorted 4 = q 5S =a ANY 2FOR - SS ANY2 FOR Nestlé SUPER SAVER Neste | Bokomo Nestlé Cerelac We ~ Cerelac Stage 1 proNut =" ProNutro Nestum Baby a ep Cereat500g Cereal 500g 4 Regular Cereal ONUtO Toddies 2509 (Toa Assorted Assorted + Assorted * 1kg ANYZFOR =) <= /ANV2FOR wee 149 aS eS 25°? e. “9 | . e 20% |; little ‘39 oO. 145 OFF us) FEEDING ACCESSORIES. (EXCLUDING BOTTLES) Encourages independent eating, a uksae ta socialisation and family interaction during meal time.

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