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Current special Game - Valid from 17.10 to 24.12 - Page nb 6

Special Game 17.10.2022 - 24.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

SANTABROUGHT SOME LIGHT. These holiday-ready lights will be the focal point of your Christmas décor! Brighten up your festive with our range of Christmas lights at unbeatable prices. tT Se Ce ty sie SHOPPING A BREEZE. 1. Rope String Fitament Light coe R4&99 v0 suum ——spigg.. + SHINEON. Item ne: ‘Tum on Christmas lights and leave alittle sparkle in every 3.LED Gloss ene R179 sxx room. Game's your plug to making your festive glisten again. “ennesse R299 um 2.5m Waterfall Lights + Item no: 773680 ‘5m Waterfall Lights + Item n0: 773681 2 ey é : a a )-) 1.9.9m LED 100-Bulb String Light - em no:773673/S R249 vx bn 2.19,9m LED 200-Butb String Light -kemno:773678 RBQQ acu 75cm Reindeer Light 3.20 Icicle Lights «tem no: 773668 R299 cucu sam 0: BS Pe Ce) rt iay ithtignts. is S309 6 | SAGSGAI4IG | Festive Catalogue 2022 | www.gamecoza

Latest specials

SANTABROUGHT SOME LIGHT. These holiday-ready lights will be the focal point of your Christmas décor! Brighten up your festive with our range of Christmas lights at unbeatable prices. tT Se Ce ty sie SHOPPING A BREEZE. 1. Rope String Fitament Light coe R4&99 v0 suum ——spigg.. + SHINEON. Item ne: ‘Tum on Christmas lights and leave alittle sparkle in every 3.LED Gloss ene R179 sxx room. Game's your plug to making your festive glisten again. “ennesse R299 um 2.5m Waterfall Lights + Item no: 773680 ‘5m Waterfall Lights + Item n0: 773681 2 ey é : a a )-) 1.9.9m LED 100-Bulb String Light - em no:773673/S R249 vx bn 2.19,9m LED 200-Butb String Light -kemno:773678 RBQQ acu 75cm Reindeer Light 3.20 Icicle Lights «tem no: 773668 R299 cucu sam 0: BS Pe Ce) rt iay ithtignts. is S309 6 | SAGSGAI4IG | Festive Catalogue 2022 | www.gamecoza

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