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Current special Game - Valid from 17.10 to 24.12 - Page nb 15

Special Game 17.10.2022 - 24.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

MORE WAYS T | I = : Eater fF beew TE EW I Sanaa l3 Dance to the beat. It’s the season's greeting jam packed with everyday Lege ite lt) Low, low prices. PAY WITH ANY OF Bi) ow) ‘Smart Watch TET Colour Bluetooth Speaker touch screen AseM + 5 Watts output + Message and call + FM radio ‘rotfication + @ speaker size + tern no: 825962 + Item no: 808785 15 | Deals vatid 17 October - 24 December 2022

Latest specials

MORE WAYS T | I = : Eater fF beew TE EW I Sanaa l3 Dance to the beat. It’s the season's greeting jam packed with everyday Lege ite lt) Low, low prices. PAY WITH ANY OF Bi) ow) ‘Smart Watch TET Colour Bluetooth Speaker touch screen AseM + 5 Watts output + Message and call + FM radio ‘rotfication + @ speaker size + tern no: 825962 + Item no: 808785 15 | Deals vatid 17 October - 24 December 2022

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