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Current special Game - Valid from 07.12 to 06.02 - Page nb 20

Special Game 07.12.2022 - 06.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAMSUNG Galaxy A13 4G Tey CONTRACT OFFERS VALID FRO! eaeaaconetars ere te getter cqunetes ofan tn tered ose A, racers an topy are cet ate tr fgg twpres rower Mannoacontars crab fd sport ry Gorges er rk wre (Mojeceas Pree ence merstre for sores papoves Eos ana cosas cata (CUSTOMER CARELINE: # 0861 Game Care (4263 2273) UNBEATABLE DEALS Sign up for a contract and receive a FREE 20GB Start-up bundle for contracts. (Once-off Anytime Data, valid for 30 days). Eo) Ey or rd a Pa cog Front Eo Pr Rear co QD a 66" Po cra ay i (a) Perec etn Tol) el] ag ag roar eran Aried eed . Ded Reo aicced PUAN AER COT py Es Sueur Sian teal ay CONTRACT rece Seiad aT et ae EC ° eee eased aches enol i SETTING FET Dau akcab as eR aed een rN re el Bret 06 FEBRUARY UE ONLINE. ITE Promatien no - Standard terms and conditions apply. Contract 9709 Unless otherwise stated. #Subject to RICA and in-store activation of» Prepaid Start Pack. VAT inclusive. E8OE, All Once-off Data bunches wil have valiity up untk 23°59 of the 30th ‘ay from and ineludig the doy of purchase. Gilt cards are not included in Prepaid deals. Gk casds may fot be redeemed for cash of 9s payment on instalénent Please bring I book. Broat of address and 3 months bank statements. For ul terms and conditions and quslying devices vist oda com/retak- device and vadacom< Ail Deals vald whe stocks Last ‘Theft cove - ths insurance products under win by Vodacom Insurance Company. a tcensed non-life insurer Terms are conditions apply, ist Vodacom.ca23 ‘The allocaton of the adational data and voce minukes are an new nes only and nak on Upgrade of preps on doubts Une deals ony the man ine well receive the allecation of the adctional data and voice minke. R204 £ WHATSAPP US ON 086 142 6333 for directions to your nearest Game Store ‘oF to view our latest catalogues. © Game_stores GameStoresSA eho) GETITNOW! P=} Sco wwwgamecoza BEE). f0° terms and condttions.

Latest specials

SAMSUNG Galaxy A13 4G Tey CONTRACT OFFERS VALID FRO! eaeaaconetars ere te getter cqunetes ofan tn tered ose A, racers an topy are cet ate tr fgg twpres rower Mannoacontars crab fd sport ry Gorges er rk wre (Mojeceas Pree ence merstre for sores papoves Eos ana cosas cata (CUSTOMER CARELINE: # 0861 Game Care (4263 2273) UNBEATABLE DEALS Sign up for a contract and receive a FREE 20GB Start-up bundle for contracts. (Once-off Anytime Data, valid for 30 days). Eo) Ey or rd a Pa cog Front Eo Pr Rear co QD a 66" Po cra ay i (a) Perec etn Tol) el] ag ag roar eran Aried eed . Ded Reo aicced PUAN AER COT py Es Sueur Sian teal ay CONTRACT rece Seiad aT et ae EC ° eee eased aches enol i SETTING FET Dau akcab as eR aed een rN re el Bret 06 FEBRUARY UE ONLINE. ITE Promatien no - Standard terms and conditions apply. Contract 9709 Unless otherwise stated. #Subject to RICA and in-store activation of» Prepaid Start Pack. VAT inclusive. E8OE, All Once-off Data bunches wil have valiity up untk 23°59 of the 30th ‘ay from and ineludig the doy of purchase. Gilt cards are not included in Prepaid deals. Gk casds may fot be redeemed for cash of 9s payment on instalénent Please bring I book. Broat of address and 3 months bank statements. For ul terms and conditions and quslying devices vist oda com/retak- device and vadacom< Ail Deals vald whe stocks Last ‘Theft cove - ths insurance products under win by Vodacom Insurance Company. a tcensed non-life insurer Terms are conditions apply, ist Vodacom.ca23 ‘The allocaton of the adational data and voce minukes are an new nes only and nak on Upgrade of preps on doubts Une deals ony the man ine well receive the allecation of the adctional data and voice minke. R204 £ WHATSAPP US ON 086 142 6333 for directions to your nearest Game Store ‘oF to view our latest catalogues. © Game_stores GameStoresSA eho) GETITNOW! P=} Sco wwwgamecoza BEE). f0° terms and condttions.

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