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Current special Game - Valid from 01.01 to 07.01 - Page nb 2

Special Game 01.01.2023 - 07.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

Great Value Long Life UHT Process Milk 6 x1L “| ANY3FOR Palmolive Naturals Soap 150 g Assorted [ ANY3FoR Little One Fragranced Baby = ° Great Valve 2PiyTollet Colgate Toothpaste - > Wipes 380 Pack JONES 100 mt Regular, Herbal, Herbal White, Get INCI cya MUL) eL el Co LON EUS eta SAU eee eel ae ee eae eel Cee Me Oi ureter ome tube Cer eau rie UC pew etal ANRC ue ey to meet the demand on all promotional lines, but stocks are limited. No Traders please We reserve the right to limit quantities, CUSTOMER CARELINE: @Game_stores (F)GameStoresSA OC) 08614263 2273 (Game Core)

Latest specials

Great Value Long Life UHT Process Milk 6 x1L “| ANY3FOR Palmolive Naturals Soap 150 g Assorted [ ANY3FoR Little One Fragranced Baby = ° Great Valve 2PiyTollet Colgate Toothpaste - > Wipes 380 Pack JONES 100 mt Regular, Herbal, Herbal White, Get INCI cya MUL) eL el Co LON EUS eta SAU eee eel ae ee eae eel Cee Me Oi ureter ome tube Cer eau rie UC pew etal ANRC ue ey to meet the demand on all promotional lines, but stocks are limited. No Traders please We reserve the right to limit quantities, CUSTOMER CARELINE: @Game_stores (F)GameStoresSA OC) 08614263 2273 (Game Core)

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