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Current special Game - Valid from 03.10 to 31.10 - Page nb 26

Special Game 03.10.2022 - 31.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

ONcREOIT "345 LOGIK’ ee ‘Symphony a5 Silver 9 L Air Cooter + Suitable room size 8-9 m* a J - inctvces romero See 9h - ter no: 768572 ——— —— SS SS — == — SS —— SAVE100 — i el — | . * SAVE100 ONCREDIT ASM S87 ‘Symphony Ninja 17 LAir Cooler + For rooms up to 13 m? + Coot flow dispenser + Includes cemote + Item no: 824372 @ Bennett Read ML Air Cooler +70W + Energy efficient covering 16m + LED touch-control panet + Adjustable vents and fan speed + Item no: 826454 SAVE100 ic) Es Veet ewe ac) 1 fu a adda g \i ee Ca rl De ee a ee er cd Se ear eI L Sar Se mere ieee St Potted Cg Ww * Outdoor unit with piping 2.5m - 3m from the ory Bertie Dee neue Ce un Preece uel) eames Ts.and Cs apply. (EFY) g000BTU Portable Aircon SAVE 200 ‘SAVE 200 ON CREDIT 65 LOGIK 12000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner + Heat pump + 24-Hour timer + Energy saving - Washable filter + Item no; 801732

Latest specials

ONcREOIT "345 LOGIK’ ee ‘Symphony a5 Silver 9 L Air Cooter + Suitable room size 8-9 m* a J - inctvces romero See 9h - ter no: 768572 ——— —— SS SS — == — SS —— SAVE100 — i el — | . * SAVE100 ONCREDIT ASM S87 ‘Symphony Ninja 17 LAir Cooler + For rooms up to 13 m? + Coot flow dispenser + Includes cemote + Item no: 824372 @ Bennett Read ML Air Cooler +70W + Energy efficient covering 16m + LED touch-control panet + Adjustable vents and fan speed + Item no: 826454 SAVE100 ic) Es Veet ewe ac) 1 fu a adda g \i ee Ca rl De ee a ee er cd Se ear eI L Sar Se mere ieee St Potted Cg Ww * Outdoor unit with piping 2.5m - 3m from the ory Bertie Dee neue Ce un Preece uel) eames Ts.and Cs apply. (EFY) g000BTU Portable Aircon SAVE 200 ‘SAVE 200 ON CREDIT 65 LOGIK 12000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner + Heat pump + 24-Hour timer + Energy saving - Washable filter + Item no; 801732

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