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Current special Game - Valid from 21.09 to 04.10 - Page nb 17

Special Game 21.09.2022 - 04.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

rote / _* ee a eee ') Protex, : Si —4 Plus Moisture Lock © fa N & che Frosh 9. /“Sed. ANY5FOR — Nae) % Yn Kotex Everyaoy | hE vossiners 1005 UNDER THE KITCHEN SINK. ‘Spring into action with everything to get your home spick and span at everyday low, low prices. Whiskas 2kg Assorted 185 g Assorted UT) ae zZ = , [4392 Aquatresh: P Soares Colate 100 mi Assorted Doubdte Action Toothbrush 25 2 Head & Shoulders shampoo TLAssorted Gittette PR rach Fd) hacer [shield Anti Perspirant Roll-on '50 mt Assorted ANY3FOR BOTHFOR " Bobtail Dog ‘Ot Roy Dog Food Food 6 / 8 kg 25 kg Assorted PLUS Assorted OtRoy 180 mm Plastic Dog Bowt more (S99) MORE VALUE. = Be ald Leas | ee MONTHS Any 3 forR90 SENSODYNE “SENSODYNE es seNSooyNe al Sensodyne Toothpaste 75 ml Assorted Any 2 for R150 we Dettol Antiseptic Liquid 750 ml Assorted Any 3 forR50 } Always Ultra or Maxi Pads 7/8/9/10s Any 2 for R127 Babysoft 2 Ply Toilet Tissue 9s OR 2 Ply Supreme Quilts 12s 2 for R55 “a Great Value Refuse Bags 20s View our full More4Less catalogue online at

Latest specials

rote / _* ee a eee ') Protex, : Si —4 Plus Moisture Lock © fa N & che Frosh 9. /“Sed. ANY5FOR — Nae) % Yn Kotex Everyaoy | hE vossiners 1005 UNDER THE KITCHEN SINK. ‘Spring into action with everything to get your home spick and span at everyday low, low prices. Whiskas 2kg Assorted 185 g Assorted UT) ae zZ = , [4392 Aquatresh: P Soares Colate 100 mi Assorted Doubdte Action Toothbrush 25 2 Head & Shoulders shampoo TLAssorted Gittette PR rach Fd) hacer [shield Anti Perspirant Roll-on '50 mt Assorted ANY3FOR BOTHFOR " Bobtail Dog ‘Ot Roy Dog Food Food 6 / 8 kg 25 kg Assorted PLUS Assorted OtRoy 180 mm Plastic Dog Bowt more (S99) MORE VALUE. = Be ald Leas | ee MONTHS Any 3 forR90 SENSODYNE “SENSODYNE es seNSooyNe al Sensodyne Toothpaste 75 ml Assorted Any 2 for R150 we Dettol Antiseptic Liquid 750 ml Assorted Any 3 forR50 } Always Ultra or Maxi Pads 7/8/9/10s Any 2 for R127 Babysoft 2 Ply Toilet Tissue 9s OR 2 Ply Supreme Quilts 12s 2 for R55 “a Great Value Refuse Bags 20s View our full More4Less catalogue online at

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