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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 07.08 to 13.08 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 07.08.2023 - 13.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

THE BEST IN FRESH, GUARANTEED Pe CF Hy ie! Abeh | v ——4 Sweetcorn Tomato Broccoli Prepacks 9 16-Piece Chicken Thriftpacks 1kg 3 FOR Prepacks 4s Braai Packs 3 FOR 2FOR ¢ /RS5O |" 59on. ; 1 49% 4 TER. z Ww or LW ss : Sn ) a Si c A a AH ie R50 } Eamon ‘White r or Red Seediess Blueberry = Grape 99 Imported Avolands Ripe ‘n Punnets 125 g Farm Fresh ee Ready 599. 4s 3FOR ‘Strawberry Cabbages 4922 each 3 99 3 922 Punnets 250 9 3FOR oper each 2FOR R50 Sweet gar “ Roma Jam R50 ge) ws 14 per kg 12°2,, 1x Potato Bag 3 kg, 12% é 1x Butternut Bag 3 kg, / , Se" YRANGES 1x Onion Bag 3 kg, . Jf ‘ feco Gog mens SES 1x Sweet Potato Bag 2 kg me eo Naartjie, Orange Carrot or Beetroot r Lemon Pineapples Thriftpacks 1kg Thriftpacks 1 kg 2FOR 2FOR BUTCHERY Kameelhout Sago Food Lover’s Back Bacon 200 g 29% Sears Lean > Zé Club & T-Bone Beef Mince <M Steak 8922. m 992". — a FS Pork Braal 0° 4 oe per kg Crumbed Chicken Burger Patties 75 9 4FOR Beef Prego HE Steaks 1009 Sips R20 SOD MoS ae IIa SPECIALS VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 13 AUGUST 2023 Beef Burger pate 100g PATON a eel ea ea RAV ME Meal Co ol a ol ea oO aC Ne earl a RCA oN ea a ee Pete Cie tum na ame Ce ea aL eC ts LUT Conn eg eC ne ee

Latest specials

THE BEST IN FRESH, GUARANTEED Pe CF Hy ie! Abeh | v ——4 Sweetcorn Tomato Broccoli Prepacks 9 16-Piece Chicken Thriftpacks 1kg 3 FOR Prepacks 4s Braai Packs 3 FOR 2FOR ¢ /RS5O |" 59on. ; 1 49% 4 TER. z Ww or LW ss : Sn ) a Si c A a AH ie R50 } Eamon ‘White r or Red Seediess Blueberry = Grape 99 Imported Avolands Ripe ‘n Punnets 125 g Farm Fresh ee Ready 599. 4s 3FOR ‘Strawberry Cabbages 4922 each 3 99 3 922 Punnets 250 9 3FOR oper each 2FOR R50 Sweet gar “ Roma Jam R50 ge) ws 14 per kg 12°2,, 1x Potato Bag 3 kg, 12% é 1x Butternut Bag 3 kg, / , Se" YRANGES 1x Onion Bag 3 kg, . Jf ‘ feco Gog mens SES 1x Sweet Potato Bag 2 kg me eo Naartjie, Orange Carrot or Beetroot r Lemon Pineapples Thriftpacks 1kg Thriftpacks 1 kg 2FOR 2FOR BUTCHERY Kameelhout Sago Food Lover’s Back Bacon 200 g 29% Sears Lean > Zé Club & T-Bone Beef Mince <M Steak 8922. m 992". — a FS Pork Braal 0° 4 oe per kg Crumbed Chicken Burger Patties 75 9 4FOR Beef Prego HE Steaks 1009 Sips R20 SOD MoS ae IIa SPECIALS VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 13 AUGUST 2023 Beef Burger pate 100g PATON a eel ea ea RAV ME Meal Co ol a ol ea oO aC Ne earl a RCA oN ea a ee Pete Cie tum na ame Ce ea aL eC ts LUT Conn eg eC ne ee

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