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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 18.05 to 21.05 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 18.05.2023 - 21.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

Papaya Prepacks ‘1 x Potato Pocket 7 kg, Le Dedatad 7 1 x Carrot Bag 3g,” ais een = 1X Sweet Potate Cary Pocket, ages ; 1xonfons 2 kg Nulaidss reo wer R150 la Coe tae eeeemen eee = * ‘Nulaid Large VE 9s 188 ch it ors Mixed Vegetables, Spring Ă© cr “xy ctvegs759 yee, ~~ R25. & y Food Lover's UHT Full ~— Avocados ‘Green Pepper creer Lo tas oes Garlic socks 3FOR Thriftpacks 4 Jeach R25 R25.. a5. «89 SR Piers Pies Pork Leg Roast | ee cored 2542, | R40 a Pt) te ‘ eee ) EI 89.99.00 BR ecu, uo wed Ta ON 4 we Fam Fos obese Prawn Meat 800 149% sree Bulk Pork Rashers | per kg mrt woversised | CITI ae Taal 2 MILLION <7 Scans | meals&eounting | andmakea DIFFERENCE | [=c> {iii FOOD LOVER’S MARKET ACE M EUR CSTT EYPAI EN BAU § ‘Moffett Retall Park: Shop 1, Wiliam Moffett, Port Eizabeth » Uitenhage, Tel: O41 922 6350 + Jeffreys Bay, Tet: 42 293 0369/0370/0380 Det et ee eee eed

Latest specials

Papaya Prepacks ‘1 x Potato Pocket 7 kg, Le Dedatad 7 1 x Carrot Bag 3g,” ais een = 1X Sweet Potate Cary Pocket, ages ; 1xonfons 2 kg Nulaidss reo wer R150 la Coe tae eeeemen eee = * ‘Nulaid Large VE 9s 188 ch it ors Mixed Vegetables, Spring Ă© cr “xy ctvegs759 yee, ~~ R25. & y Food Lover's UHT Full ~— Avocados ‘Green Pepper creer Lo tas oes Garlic socks 3FOR Thriftpacks 4 Jeach R25 R25.. a5. «89 SR Piers Pies Pork Leg Roast | ee cored 2542, | R40 a Pt) te ‘ eee ) EI 89.99.00 BR ecu, uo wed Ta ON 4 we Fam Fos obese Prawn Meat 800 149% sree Bulk Pork Rashers | per kg mrt woversised | CITI ae Taal 2 MILLION <7 Scans | meals&eounting | andmakea DIFFERENCE | [=c> {iii FOOD LOVER’S MARKET ACE M EUR CSTT EYPAI EN BAU § ‘Moffett Retall Park: Shop 1, Wiliam Moffett, Port Eizabeth » Uitenhage, Tel: O41 922 6350 + Jeffreys Bay, Tet: 42 293 0369/0370/0380 Det et ee eee eed

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