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Current special Checkers - Valid from 09.11 to 13.11 - Page nb 4

Special Checkers 09.11.2022 - 13.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

aed Dettot 3 fee a ae ope 2 P Disposable Ene ar ¢ Rene ee Ptr Plush Supreme Lemon Sta-soft Ultra Fabre Softener ‘Johnson's Baby Johnson's Baby Oil All Variants 200m! Levies Baby Colgate Tipe Acton Toothpaste —Reltzer's Aqueous Shower to Shower Dsodoe Dishwashing Liquid 2x 750 ‘Al Variants 2x 500m! Soap All Varia Each & Baby Shampoo 500ml Each Teilatry Range x 2 2x 2e100M por pack ‘Cream 2x 500m! for Lach All Vans 3 x 150m ae Mr. Sheen Daly Surtace ald Odouress enone NutriDey Junior Breakfast Pampers Sensive/Fresh Baby (ld Spice Deodorant Sick tor Securex Bat! ‘Cleaning Agent 1¢ Each Insecticide 500m Each ‘Blend All Varlants 6 x 1509 Wipes 4x56/64 per pack Men Al Variants 2x S0mi All Variants 5 AN Vactants 2 x 14/16/20 per pack Affordable Healthcare Made easy Health Bon Appétit Cat Food Dr Hahne Antibacterial Epol Boorewors/Bltong ‘A Vanants 3% 883 (Gat Litter 189 Dog Food 20Kg Each

Latest specials

aed Dettot 3 fee a ae ope 2 P Disposable Ene ar ¢ Rene ee Ptr Plush Supreme Lemon Sta-soft Ultra Fabre Softener ‘Johnson's Baby Johnson's Baby Oil All Variants 200m! Levies Baby Colgate Tipe Acton Toothpaste —Reltzer's Aqueous Shower to Shower Dsodoe Dishwashing Liquid 2x 750 ‘Al Variants 2x 500m! Soap All Varia Each & Baby Shampoo 500ml Each Teilatry Range x 2 2x 2e100M por pack ‘Cream 2x 500m! for Lach All Vans 3 x 150m ae Mr. Sheen Daly Surtace ald Odouress enone NutriDey Junior Breakfast Pampers Sensive/Fresh Baby (ld Spice Deodorant Sick tor Securex Bat! ‘Cleaning Agent 1¢ Each Insecticide 500m Each ‘Blend All Varlants 6 x 1509 Wipes 4x56/64 per pack Men Al Variants 2x S0mi All Variants 5 AN Vactants 2 x 14/16/20 per pack Affordable Healthcare Made easy Health Bon Appétit Cat Food Dr Hahne Antibacterial Epol Boorewors/Bltong ‘A Vanants 3% 883 (Gat Litter 189 Dog Food 20Kg Each

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