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Current special Checkers - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 5

Special Checkers 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

PHILIPS, | Na ETY @ Basel Hobbs V4 een Kenwood Dual rier Cage Cer Ta Ey eee edt ee ue Ea SED _—= = Platinum Oval slow Hobbs Ottimo Electric BBO gril cooker with glass Bo ne pressure 20000 650 ke Philips Bagless vacuum SCE Desk fan cleaner - 1800W 996 HONFHYeAS7/E SCE Pedestal fan 40cm Sodastream Jet tan = ry “ eee ra : — “ Ree eer) Parser NEW PHILIPS RANGE , — = . ( =a eu =m Philips Thermoprotect ‘hat straightener yo Philips 2 Click-on Ban) One ,—_— Ps eet Hairdryer - 1600W Philips ips Power ; . voit toothbrush » 1100W WS ay shee Ps sone Straightening brush Gite i eek cite De ke cee Dan oases ou os

Latest specials

PHILIPS, | Na ETY @ Basel Hobbs V4 een Kenwood Dual rier Cage Cer Ta Ey eee edt ee ue Ea SED _—= = Platinum Oval slow Hobbs Ottimo Electric BBO gril cooker with glass Bo ne pressure 20000 650 ke Philips Bagless vacuum SCE Desk fan cleaner - 1800W 996 HONFHYeAS7/E SCE Pedestal fan 40cm Sodastream Jet tan = ry “ eee ra : — “ Ree eer) Parser NEW PHILIPS RANGE , — = . ( =a eu =m Philips Thermoprotect ‘hat straightener yo Philips 2 Click-on Ban) One ,—_— Ps eet Hairdryer - 1600W Philips ips Power ; . voit toothbrush » 1100W WS ay shee Ps sone Straightening brush Gite i eek cite De ke cee Dan oases ou os

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