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Current special Checkers - Valid from 15.06 to 18.06 - Page nb 4

Special Checkers 15.06.2023 - 18.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

ee tauis bore) Cer) Ri ee cs rea Seer) i: z BUY2FOR 4 ¥ 4 ae oe | 4 ny a 7 aati‘ gy ea >. Rhodes 2 a : jeans - c oe Ea 7 Sauce 2x = Ee <ae= “” ay) > 4 Oe = Bal Dy = eo <a ANY 3 FOR ANY 2FOR ANY 4FOR De ee) oom) =a Wellington's = ——! —_o = Excella Swoot — Cape Point Shredded Knorr Cup aSoup _ Reyco Cook-in African Gold Mayonnaise —Chilli/Jalapefio Denny Pasta Sauce Tuna in Oil/Water All Variants 2x Sauce/Potato Bake Extra Virgin ‘Al Variants Sauce All Variants. 3x 170g 2/4 per pack AllVariantsx4 Olive Oil ee a ? v * ROOIBOS TEA TA, | © LO S if a , ees g o aot & Eezi Squeeze ROOIBOS TEA ca a : BUY aCanderel BUY 2x Snowflake os Sweetener Sticks Promixes _ 100 per pack & All Variants 500g —= Tastic Soft & Absorbing/ Clover Olive Pride GET a50perpack © & GET a 3rd one Sasko Cako Wholegrain Brown Seed & Extra Virgin FREE! FREE! Wheat Flour Rice 3 x 2kg Olive Oil Blend BUY ANY 2 & SAVE ANY 2 FOR SAVE SAVE R15 .m 15% 21% [ro <— wc Be wn | beret ry Cth net tt htt beet need Pages

Latest specials

ee tauis bore) Cer) Ri ee cs rea Seer) i: z BUY2FOR 4 ¥ 4 ae oe | 4 ny a 7 aati‘ gy ea >. Rhodes 2 a : jeans - c oe Ea 7 Sauce 2x = Ee <ae= “” ay) > 4 Oe = Bal Dy = eo <a ANY 3 FOR ANY 2FOR ANY 4FOR De ee) oom) =a Wellington's = ——! —_o = Excella Swoot — Cape Point Shredded Knorr Cup aSoup _ Reyco Cook-in African Gold Mayonnaise —Chilli/Jalapefio Denny Pasta Sauce Tuna in Oil/Water All Variants 2x Sauce/Potato Bake Extra Virgin ‘Al Variants Sauce All Variants. 3x 170g 2/4 per pack AllVariantsx4 Olive Oil ee a ? v * ROOIBOS TEA TA, | © LO S if a , ees g o aot & Eezi Squeeze ROOIBOS TEA ca a : BUY aCanderel BUY 2x Snowflake os Sweetener Sticks Promixes _ 100 per pack & All Variants 500g —= Tastic Soft & Absorbing/ Clover Olive Pride GET a50perpack © & GET a 3rd one Sasko Cako Wholegrain Brown Seed & Extra Virgin FREE! FREE! Wheat Flour Rice 3 x 2kg Olive Oil Blend BUY ANY 2 & SAVE ANY 2 FOR SAVE SAVE R15 .m 15% 21% [ro <— wc Be wn | beret ry Cth net tt htt beet need Pages

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