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Current special Checkers - Valid from 22.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 3

Special Checkers 22.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

— ,2 = WELLINGTON Wellington's fo aCe Cee eae J BO ee ty » * Stoney Zero Cold eel) r] Nehari = 4 es ee oo SAVE 14% ano SAVE 22% BUY 2FOR ANY 2 FOR — — << i — — Koo Baked Beans in Lucky Star Shredded lami Boorio Buffet FattI's & Moni’s Pasta’ Knorr Salad Drossing Nola Mayonnaiso Tomato Sauce 2x 410g Tuna in Water/Oil 2 x 170g Relish All Variants Calamata Olives ‘Shapes All Variants All Variants: All Variants 7509/7809 Br eerie Key ify <9 @ A ; Ny : ——— feo (fo! feo feo ANY 2 FOR —o = Po gees eS Bakers Eot-Sum-Mor == = = ——o — .GNFOCHCJGVE_REV Joke Strong Froshpak Pure Noscafé Dolce Gusto Jungle Oats Snowflake Cake Oreo Biscuits Biscuits All Variants Quality Teabags Rooibos Teabags Coffee Capsules All Variants Original Porridge Wheat Flour All Variants 2 x 1339 2x 200g ‘7 i ‘o i A ier > + ° Ea ANY STOR au 4 am ANY 2 FOR ANY 3 FOR ANY 3 FOR oy ora = a ox Nestlé Kit Kat/Aero/ once] Aquellé Flavoured Bakers Kips Crackors Nestlé Chocolate Slab Bar-One/Smartis/Tox/ Amajoya Swoots Rhodes 100% Fruit Sparkling Water Al Variants 2x 2009 All Variants 3 x 809 Milky Bar Chocolate x 5 AllVariante 3x 1259 Juice Blond All Variants All Variants / / . ’ a > OU eau) . : Tink tits ; . a os e 100% BUY ANY 2& © aa eet GUARANTEED Se = eS Jee 2 j on cyn poner Me, Petre ——o Fe stawborios 2509 EAM pocistxport Gunity Choice Cripps Pink Apples ieocexe 8% = ered Bananas ey feed White Button Mushrooms. TRE, CORNER OF COCKSPUR & HAREBELL STREET, ROODEPOORT ONLY, ea Cs nny ey ate ea Page}

Latest specials

— ,2 = WELLINGTON Wellington's fo aCe Cee eae J BO ee ty » * Stoney Zero Cold eel) r] Nehari = 4 es ee oo SAVE 14% ano SAVE 22% BUY 2FOR ANY 2 FOR — — << i — — Koo Baked Beans in Lucky Star Shredded lami Boorio Buffet FattI's & Moni’s Pasta’ Knorr Salad Drossing Nola Mayonnaiso Tomato Sauce 2x 410g Tuna in Water/Oil 2 x 170g Relish All Variants Calamata Olives ‘Shapes All Variants All Variants: All Variants 7509/7809 Br eerie Key ify <9 @ A ; Ny : ——— feo (fo! feo feo ANY 2 FOR —o = Po gees eS Bakers Eot-Sum-Mor == = = ——o — .GNFOCHCJGVE_REV Joke Strong Froshpak Pure Noscafé Dolce Gusto Jungle Oats Snowflake Cake Oreo Biscuits Biscuits All Variants Quality Teabags Rooibos Teabags Coffee Capsules All Variants Original Porridge Wheat Flour All Variants 2 x 1339 2x 200g ‘7 i ‘o i A ier > + ° Ea ANY STOR au 4 am ANY 2 FOR ANY 3 FOR ANY 3 FOR oy ora = a ox Nestlé Kit Kat/Aero/ once] Aquellé Flavoured Bakers Kips Crackors Nestlé Chocolate Slab Bar-One/Smartis/Tox/ Amajoya Swoots Rhodes 100% Fruit Sparkling Water Al Variants 2x 2009 All Variants 3 x 809 Milky Bar Chocolate x 5 AllVariante 3x 1259 Juice Blond All Variants All Variants / / . ’ a > OU eau) . : Tink tits ; . a os e 100% BUY ANY 2& © aa eet GUARANTEED Se = eS Jee 2 j on cyn poner Me, Petre ——o Fe stawborios 2509 EAM pocistxport Gunity Choice Cripps Pink Apples ieocexe 8% = ered Bananas ey feed White Button Mushrooms. TRE, CORNER OF COCKSPUR & HAREBELL STREET, ROODEPOORT ONLY, ea Cs nny ey ate ea Page}

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