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Current special Checkers - Valid from 27.10 to 30.10 - Page nb 6

Special Checkers 27.10.2022 - 30.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

..) DEALS IN EVERY AISLE © << Epi Max Huggies All Variant » SS = «=i ence] cx i mecee a Yardley Deodorant for Shield Decriorant Nivea Rol-On for Men’ Vaveline Boxy Lotion! ‘Vaseline Petroour Men?taaies Aa Varn forlenfiscios Al variants adios Al Variants 2 80rd “Sream Ai variants oly aa Varn a ae na Dettol Bath Soap Colgate Naturala/Optic Colgate Medium 60784 ‘At Varanta 2 1759 vintalPro Rate! Toothpaste ‘Soft/Charcoal Toothbrush fohnsci? : b en ee ex ro ¢ ; a : Tanearon ANY 5 FOR Exam —_ 8 : =o i — savor? 81750 Puan verano Sx 10m “Corwut At Voriats” een veroris 2x 800ml savumtun Affordable Healthcare Made Easy | SAVE R35 | | SAVE R26 | : BUY ANY 2 & ANY 2 FOR cE Head & Shoulders Sh conditioner All Variants pe wre caso] Pertect Touch Al Variants 2 Ginn ee oe nee anche Mk ccieeae Page 6

Latest specials

..) DEALS IN EVERY AISLE © << Epi Max Huggies All Variant » SS = «=i ence] cx i mecee a Yardley Deodorant for Shield Decriorant Nivea Rol-On for Men’ Vaveline Boxy Lotion! ‘Vaseline Petroour Men?taaies Aa Varn forlenfiscios Al variants adios Al Variants 2 80rd “Sream Ai variants oly aa Varn a ae na Dettol Bath Soap Colgate Naturala/Optic Colgate Medium 60784 ‘At Varanta 2 1759 vintalPro Rate! Toothpaste ‘Soft/Charcoal Toothbrush fohnsci? : b en ee ex ro ¢ ; a : Tanearon ANY 5 FOR Exam —_ 8 : =o i — savor? 81750 Puan verano Sx 10m “Corwut At Voriats” een veroris 2x 800ml savumtun Affordable Healthcare Made Easy | SAVE R35 | | SAVE R26 | : BUY ANY 2 & ANY 2 FOR cE Head & Shoulders Sh conditioner All Variants pe wre caso] Pertect Touch Al Variants 2 Ginn ee oe nee anche Mk ccieeae Page 6

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