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Current special Builders Warehouse - Valid from 21.02 to 20.03 - Page nb 7

Special Builders Warehouse 21.02.2023 - 20.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

taDIy | ® aDly 3 aDly online or ask in-store. DIY ou Econo Scroll @) ' Econo Shootbolt bec ied | Slamlock Saftidor Regal i mx 770 mm; ‘ + Security Gate ‘Available in white & | Ref A; 2m (h) x 840 mm (w); Security Gate 2mx 770 mm; Electro: bronze: Hinged sand | Epoxy-coated; Available in galvanised & epoxy- gate with L302 lock 1 White, bronze or charcoal; 1.95 mx 770 mm; coated; 10 mm lockable (71614: 716115) e | Excludes accessories used for Available in white & | display (6114; 6115; 742900) re (( 3) takin at Ses eroonen 999 ' oa Pes from ; cei Saba yet it installed from R7SO. Buy vouchers jet it instal from R750. Buy vouchers ®g99 online or ask in-store, Mbailcacaes | R750. Buy vouchers 999 R750. Buy vouchers "1789 online or ask in-store. online or ask in-store. aDIy x tadly 1g DIY Eo Boren LAs x THT) HTT =i ASA, | yy YY) halal bol X Lil Trendi i ‘i Security Gate 1 ij Y 2 P Security ia ws Bs Ca fm Aluglide Gate L—— Homestyle Gate Epouy-coated: 12 ein 1 x2.15 m; All sizes available in white, bronze & charcoal; Stamlock; 1.95 mx 770 mm; Available infill; L302 7-lever lock: Rust resistant; 100% aluminium; Fully framed DIY trellis door: in white & bronze; Includes Electro-galvanised, t cd Miers eee las) hinges; (302 7-lever tock; Available in white owcreor ial sec ic 86), Medium-duty security gate & bronze (402067; EPs i (5830; 5797) 402068) Lid er Get Itinstalled from Gavi ccanad etek Beb9 4 Pear kere cea R750. Buy vouchers. El 899... R750. Buy vouchers Ce rm na ee ee add ‘online or ask in-store. online or ask in-store. i; Enjoy the fruits of our labour. We can install and assemble pretty much anything from baths and doors, to vanities and floors. Pricing starts at R850. Vouchers are available to purchase in-store, online or via our contact centre. Get to Builders. Get it done. Prices valid in So Ka from 21 February -20 March 2023 Page 7 of 8 er please see the BACK p

Latest specials

taDIy | ® aDly 3 aDly online or ask in-store. DIY ou Econo Scroll @) ' Econo Shootbolt bec ied | Slamlock Saftidor Regal i mx 770 mm; ‘ + Security Gate ‘Available in white & | Ref A; 2m (h) x 840 mm (w); Security Gate 2mx 770 mm; Electro: bronze: Hinged sand | Epoxy-coated; Available in galvanised & epoxy- gate with L302 lock 1 White, bronze or charcoal; 1.95 mx 770 mm; coated; 10 mm lockable (71614: 716115) e | Excludes accessories used for Available in white & | display (6114; 6115; 742900) re (( 3) takin at Ses eroonen 999 ' oa Pes from ; cei Saba yet it installed from R7SO. Buy vouchers jet it instal from R750. Buy vouchers ®g99 online or ask in-store, Mbailcacaes | R750. Buy vouchers 999 R750. Buy vouchers "1789 online or ask in-store. online or ask in-store. aDIy x tadly 1g DIY Eo Boren LAs x THT) HTT =i ASA, | yy YY) halal bol X Lil Trendi i ‘i Security Gate 1 ij Y 2 P Security ia ws Bs Ca fm Aluglide Gate L—— Homestyle Gate Epouy-coated: 12 ein 1 x2.15 m; All sizes available in white, bronze & charcoal; Stamlock; 1.95 mx 770 mm; Available infill; L302 7-lever lock: Rust resistant; 100% aluminium; Fully framed DIY trellis door: in white & bronze; Includes Electro-galvanised, t cd Miers eee las) hinges; (302 7-lever tock; Available in white owcreor ial sec ic 86), Medium-duty security gate & bronze (402067; EPs i (5830; 5797) 402068) Lid er Get Itinstalled from Gavi ccanad etek Beb9 4 Pear kere cea R750. Buy vouchers. El 899... R750. Buy vouchers Ce rm na ee ee add ‘online or ask in-store. online or ask in-store. i; Enjoy the fruits of our labour. We can install and assemble pretty much anything from baths and doors, to vanities and floors. Pricing starts at R850. Vouchers are available to purchase in-store, online or via our contact centre. Get to Builders. Get it done. Prices valid in So Ka from 21 February -20 March 2023 Page 7 of 8 er please see the BACK p

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