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Current special Builders Warehouse - Valid from 28.03 to 24.04 - Page nb 4

Special Builders Warehouse 28.03.2023 - 24.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

Close-coupled Toilet ‘ 20 kg ta Gold Star Ledro Floor Adhesive Tie Range ss "128 Beige Porcelain Nano Tiles "232m Miami Close- — ~*~ coupled Front Front Flush ~ see yale les ~ "1199 "599 "189... "429 BETTA Sw ae Rote a. YOU SAVE a. Rote cs R ‘builders P ri (builders Ri : S % = _ amet 550 mm Cabinet x 1700 Drop-in - Universal Value Bath Wall-mount Vanity Cabinet *1899 3 "289 PCV 400 kPa +2 Vacuum Breakers 5 Angle 749 Renda Naive 65 Glass Cutting 235) and N —— I } Mirror Finishing a le Customise your glass and mirrors with our cutting-edge technology. Shower Trap pvc ground Pipe a SION cee” «EOE Need deliveries direct to site? Builders delivers to locations nationwide’. Call 0860 284 533 and let our dedicated sales team members help you get it done. ee ie ig Get to Builders. Get it done.

Latest specials

Close-coupled Toilet ‘ 20 kg ta Gold Star Ledro Floor Adhesive Tie Range ss "128 Beige Porcelain Nano Tiles "232m Miami Close- — ~*~ coupled Front Front Flush ~ see yale les ~ "1199 "599 "189... "429 BETTA Sw ae Rote a. YOU SAVE a. Rote cs R ‘builders P ri (builders Ri : S % = _ amet 550 mm Cabinet x 1700 Drop-in - Universal Value Bath Wall-mount Vanity Cabinet *1899 3 "289 PCV 400 kPa +2 Vacuum Breakers 5 Angle 749 Renda Naive 65 Glass Cutting 235) and N —— I } Mirror Finishing a le Customise your glass and mirrors with our cutting-edge technology. Shower Trap pvc ground Pipe a SION cee” «EOE Need deliveries direct to site? Builders delivers to locations nationwide’. Call 0860 284 533 and let our dedicated sales team members help you get it done. ee ie ig Get to Builders. Get it done.

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