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Current special Builders Warehouse - Valid from 28.03 to 24.04 - Page nb 1

Special Builders Warehouse 28.03.2023 - 24.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

agua Valid from 28 March - 24 April 2023 [ a So Ly BissTON DI v4 aCe 2 7 | a3 d voto” = 3900 ‘ Built in Cupboard 5 130 A Welder & 21-piece High Speed Steel Drill Set 2500 W 230 sswaoretetaseroce: ROS 3500 290 fe) "1999 equi (18792) Get ‘assembled trom R940. Buy ‘outhess online oF atk in-store, SWaARTLAND | ea _ GH — Peaes Quadrant | lie Ronse Shower Doors 8-panel D - ua api ives (w) SL Plaster Key Pick Head R' deme "1499 Inert en 219 Getitinstaied trom i tee 940. Buy vouthers Bones aa online orask in-store. Easy to use (6 2) Ey a Bh ee 4: ):) =o iY "2699 "249 ‘Lm Single Track "19 Multi-purpose Ladder Curtain Rail = id lll GY ET Bakaers (4 a Under- 150 LHigh ez Cr counter Pressure Geyser Gas a) ST hoy ‘Oven Geyser: 80483; Eye-tevet: Heat s BETA Ste designe Alumniniim Get it istalie trom R2900. Get it instalieg from R2980. im ae Get i insalies from R720. Sliding Door Buy vouchers online or a3 uy wouchers online oF a8 ic) {uy vouchers online oF ak 18 mn) x23 mw); Avalblein te inctore Inctore bronze: Pre: guased (2500) neue. Page lof 8

Latest specials

agua Valid from 28 March - 24 April 2023 [ a So Ly BissTON DI v4 aCe 2 7 | a3 d voto” = 3900 ‘ Built in Cupboard 5 130 A Welder & 21-piece High Speed Steel Drill Set 2500 W 230 sswaoretetaseroce: ROS 3500 290 fe) "1999 equi (18792) Get ‘assembled trom R940. Buy ‘outhess online oF atk in-store, SWaARTLAND | ea _ GH — Peaes Quadrant | lie Ronse Shower Doors 8-panel D - ua api ives (w) SL Plaster Key Pick Head R' deme "1499 Inert en 219 Getitinstaied trom i tee 940. Buy vouthers Bones aa online orask in-store. Easy to use (6 2) Ey a Bh ee 4: ):) =o iY "2699 "249 ‘Lm Single Track "19 Multi-purpose Ladder Curtain Rail = id lll GY ET Bakaers (4 a Under- 150 LHigh ez Cr counter Pressure Geyser Gas a) ST hoy ‘Oven Geyser: 80483; Eye-tevet: Heat s BETA Ste designe Alumniniim Get it istalie trom R2900. Get it instalieg from R2980. im ae Get i insalies from R720. Sliding Door Buy vouchers online or a3 uy wouchers online oF a8 ic) {uy vouchers online oF ak 18 mn) x23 mw); Avalblein te inctore Inctore bronze: Pre: guased (2500) neue. Page lof 8

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