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Current special Boxer - Valid from 27.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 7

Special Boxer 27.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

STAYFREE Maxi Pads Assorted 8's /10’s SOFW'FREE SOFN'FREE Creme EAST WAVES Hol Food Assorted 100ea7/ ImecTo EASY WAVES Black Castor Relaxer Regular __EASY WAVES Coconut Hair Food 125m! fam Catia Crome EST AES, Oil Spray For Medium and > Assorted alee Soft Hair Twin Pack 4 er = 250ml & Sy 7 Oil Sheen r Comb Out La Conditioner Hairspray = -—~, PERFECT CHOICE 250ml STA-SOF-FRO / ISoPLUS IsoPLUS ee Bead Seay ek ee Styling Gel Hairline & Edge Lotion with oe ‘Avocado Oil | > 250ml / Ea aD O11 Moisturising oe es Spray 250m Z oS bes il Shee a ¥ - ] a Har Spray se' —) 1 240ml ~ 4 ee HEAD & FRESH WAVE BOXER Dove Reais an “= ieee Foeny Hygiene Soap = Beauty Cream 200mt / Hygiene Soap B Bar Assorted PANTENE ve Conditioner ANTES assorted 200ml Ne . Sma \ ‘AQUASMILE ‘SENSODYNE : WA usreame Aways er igen Plus Toothpaste Anti-Bacterial por Sanitary Pads Bristle Assorted = Value Pack Toothbrush Assorted on 16's /18's / 20's nef! ys 5 ays =f RY 3 GILLETTE GILLETTE GILLETTE GILLETTE me cr ee sone w Razors we Disposable Disposable . (6+2 pack) - —— Instant Pregnancy

Latest specials

STAYFREE Maxi Pads Assorted 8's /10’s SOFW'FREE SOFN'FREE Creme EAST WAVES Hol Food Assorted 100ea7/ ImecTo EASY WAVES Black Castor Relaxer Regular __EASY WAVES Coconut Hair Food 125m! fam Catia Crome EST AES, Oil Spray For Medium and > Assorted alee Soft Hair Twin Pack 4 er = 250ml & Sy 7 Oil Sheen r Comb Out La Conditioner Hairspray = -—~, PERFECT CHOICE 250ml STA-SOF-FRO / ISoPLUS IsoPLUS ee Bead Seay ek ee Styling Gel Hairline & Edge Lotion with oe ‘Avocado Oil | > 250ml / Ea aD O11 Moisturising oe es Spray 250m Z oS bes il Shee a ¥ - ] a Har Spray se' —) 1 240ml ~ 4 ee HEAD & FRESH WAVE BOXER Dove Reais an “= ieee Foeny Hygiene Soap = Beauty Cream 200mt / Hygiene Soap B Bar Assorted PANTENE ve Conditioner ANTES assorted 200ml Ne . Sma \ ‘AQUASMILE ‘SENSODYNE : WA usreame Aways er igen Plus Toothpaste Anti-Bacterial por Sanitary Pads Bristle Assorted = Value Pack Toothbrush Assorted on 16's /18's / 20's nef! ys 5 ays =f RY 3 GILLETTE GILLETTE GILLETTE GILLETTE me cr ee sone w Razors we Disposable Disposable . (6+2 pack) - —— Instant Pregnancy

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