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Current special Boxer - Valid from 07.08 to 23.08 - Page nb 5

Special Boxer 07.08.2023 - 23.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

me 7 aa ALL GOLD Tomato Sauce 700ml & PE ey ase ewe) a Career ens a Piste aR CLs rr) Cony \ Pee - = z Co GET®5 Ly | j 11H i WHEN YOU SPEND ‘750 OR MORE ON ADVERTISED PRODUCTS” TO BE REDEEMED BETWEEN 24th ped TO 10th SEPTEMBER 2023 ‘Ts & whe = cay erg | | er rn Goopcal — 500g ares orcs j De PAS Et Uy , — eer ROO CL a i tos ) SOU oy ant to TymeBank part hance to 4 Visit your nearest 4 great benefits: ‘TymeBank kiosk at Boxer today. Lear a= eee Ue AT ere ie ene) Teme Seek e of R500. os a eclas Y Re Coreen gas ar) > Ree ca onerery ‘TymeBiank is an Authorised Financial Services FSP 49140) and Registered Crest Provider (NORCP 10774), Tyme Bank Limted Reg no: 2015/231510/06.

Latest specials

me 7 aa ALL GOLD Tomato Sauce 700ml & PE ey ase ewe) a Career ens a Piste aR CLs rr) Cony \ Pee - = z Co GET®5 Ly | j 11H i WHEN YOU SPEND ‘750 OR MORE ON ADVERTISED PRODUCTS” TO BE REDEEMED BETWEEN 24th ped TO 10th SEPTEMBER 2023 ‘Ts & whe = cay erg | | er rn Goopcal — 500g ares orcs j De PAS Et Uy , — eer ROO CL a i tos ) SOU oy ant to TymeBank part hance to 4 Visit your nearest 4 great benefits: ‘TymeBank kiosk at Boxer today. Lear a= eee Ue AT ere ie ene) Teme Seek e of R500. os a eclas Y Re Coreen gas ar) > Ree ca onerery ‘TymeBiank is an Authorised Financial Services FSP 49140) and Registered Crest Provider (NORCP 10774), Tyme Bank Limted Reg no: 2015/231510/06.

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