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Current special Boxer - Valid from 27.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 8

Special Boxer 27.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

OU ERT TU NT, STAND A CHANCE TO Wi THE VALUE OF YOUR SASSA GRANT IN BOXER ECOUPONS. COMPETITION VALID: 2. NOVEMBER to 6"* NOVEMBER WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED: 14th NOVEMBER 2022 *Ts & Cs APPLY. Visit FRESH WAVE x FRESH WAVE STA-SOFT FRESH WAVE 4) ciowsting = Peon Tae Soe Fabric Conditioner Hand Washing Powder Powder . i : et Cate fe ; Z ULA: Le over SUNLIGHT “ye Liquid 500ml / VANISH Power Multipurpose Pine Gel Se 02 Stain Remover 150g = FRESH WAVE ’ VANISH Stain Reme cach Te \/ Fabric Conditioner Refill RED GLOVE 6 Ov; } “ Assorted Green Bar Soap ean oO” w we a Ww = BY i ee a wae Ka roe ik PLUSH HARPIC MR MIN SUNBEAM COBRA Bleach Ait ee Supreme White & Shine Multi Surface Floor Polish Assorted 350m! / Relax Assorted Nceeier Multipurpose _—=—Multipurpose Geasar COBRA Floor Polish Tile © ! Thick Bleach 2 Thick Bleach Lavender Lavender 350m! Cleaner ‘Assorted Assorted Ie Lavender | vend aed Cairn Value i ‘ Un ve So Pack Tat bead aon Lf 9 ia Fe cy MORTEIN TWINSAVER CONTE we —)) Powergard Luxury 2 Ply cj Premium 1 Ply A Liquid 200 Sheets Pe. ~ Toilet Tissue nIWA ay oe Toilet Tissue = 300 Sheets cence Rolls Su) A A. A 8 92.07 F Lee HOME SQUARE HOME SQUARE HOME SQUARE Premium Premium Glass Kettle Stainless Steel Hotplate PRICES WALID AT BOXER COSMO CITY MALL STORE ONLY ange Yn, rcs nae 1% A whee plea, ew te haves rized lc aii met croatia ema, hewn we let of tk ew at kw i of oun ne ata, ore esrves te ght int qantes eer rs ab enn ee covet om nw ay al the coret deta, ROE Terms & Canons app. or ok ‘Boxer Customer 6937-@

Latest specials

OU ERT TU NT, STAND A CHANCE TO Wi THE VALUE OF YOUR SASSA GRANT IN BOXER ECOUPONS. COMPETITION VALID: 2. NOVEMBER to 6"* NOVEMBER WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED: 14th NOVEMBER 2022 *Ts & Cs APPLY. Visit FRESH WAVE x FRESH WAVE STA-SOFT FRESH WAVE 4) ciowsting = Peon Tae Soe Fabric Conditioner Hand Washing Powder Powder . i : et Cate fe ; Z ULA: Le over SUNLIGHT “ye Liquid 500ml / VANISH Power Multipurpose Pine Gel Se 02 Stain Remover 150g = FRESH WAVE ’ VANISH Stain Reme cach Te \/ Fabric Conditioner Refill RED GLOVE 6 Ov; } “ Assorted Green Bar Soap ean oO” w we a Ww = BY i ee a wae Ka roe ik PLUSH HARPIC MR MIN SUNBEAM COBRA Bleach Ait ee Supreme White & Shine Multi Surface Floor Polish Assorted 350m! / Relax Assorted Nceeier Multipurpose _—=—Multipurpose Geasar COBRA Floor Polish Tile © ! Thick Bleach 2 Thick Bleach Lavender Lavender 350m! Cleaner ‘Assorted Assorted Ie Lavender | vend aed Cairn Value i ‘ Un ve So Pack Tat bead aon Lf 9 ia Fe cy MORTEIN TWINSAVER CONTE we —)) Powergard Luxury 2 Ply cj Premium 1 Ply A Liquid 200 Sheets Pe. ~ Toilet Tissue nIWA ay oe Toilet Tissue = 300 Sheets cence Rolls Su) A A. A 8 92.07 F Lee HOME SQUARE HOME SQUARE HOME SQUARE Premium Premium Glass Kettle Stainless Steel Hotplate PRICES WALID AT BOXER COSMO CITY MALL STORE ONLY ange Yn, rcs nae 1% A whee plea, ew te haves rized lc aii met croatia ema, hewn we let of tk ew at kw i of oun ne ata, ore esrves te ght int qantes eer rs ab enn ee covet om nw ay al the coret deta, ROE Terms & Canons app. or ok ‘Boxer Customer 6937-@

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