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Current special Avon - Valid from 01.01 to 31.01 - Page nb 3

Special Avon 01.01.2023 - 31.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

100% ft BENGHAMBION PRODUCTS ARE DONATED TO OUR CHARITY PARTNERS* AVON HAS BEEN CHAMPIONING WOMEN’S WELL-BEING FOR OVER 135 YEARS. Through our Breast Cancer EF Promise & our efforts to help 4 end violence against women, we have been serving our communities to ensure that women such as KG Montjane continue to benefit & become true champions of their lives. This year we will continue to use Avonis proud to be the our voice for the upliftment of © official beauty sponsor women, because at Avon we of wheelchair-tennis believe that a better world for champion KG Montjane, Tue dolce Roles i the 1 black woman from Africa to compete as a Help us uplift & empower women finalist at Wimbledon. - buy a pin & change alife! Get involved at Pied ea) Beard Pin teas 1435905 Wt tls) Puta gtd ae Silver-toned with digfhanté detail. Attach with clasp. NC ia AVON aN Ale nanots BR ENNIS ole *Look Good Feel l NEN Wn oto ot Wetn a Bcelmizo tas etonl Wel y\elcg ‘Abuse | POWA| 1000 Women’s Trustlisaartjie Baartman Centre for Women &Children, Tenney terse thao ais) seem 7 ALL LIMITED EDITION

Latest specials

100% ft BENGHAMBION PRODUCTS ARE DONATED TO OUR CHARITY PARTNERS* AVON HAS BEEN CHAMPIONING WOMEN’S WELL-BEING FOR OVER 135 YEARS. Through our Breast Cancer EF Promise & our efforts to help 4 end violence against women, we have been serving our communities to ensure that women such as KG Montjane continue to benefit & become true champions of their lives. This year we will continue to use Avonis proud to be the our voice for the upliftment of © official beauty sponsor women, because at Avon we of wheelchair-tennis believe that a better world for champion KG Montjane, Tue dolce Roles i the 1 black woman from Africa to compete as a Help us uplift & empower women finalist at Wimbledon. - buy a pin & change alife! Get involved at Pied ea) Beard Pin teas 1435905 Wt tls) Puta gtd ae Silver-toned with digfhanté detail. Attach with clasp. NC ia AVON aN Ale nanots BR ENNIS ole *Look Good Feel l NEN Wn oto ot Wetn a Bcelmizo tas etonl Wel y\elcg ‘Abuse | POWA| 1000 Women’s Trustlisaartjie Baartman Centre for Women &Children, Tenney terse thao ais) seem 7 ALL LIMITED EDITION

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