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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 01.07 to 07.07 - Page nb 3

Special Advance Cash&Carry 01.07.2024 - 07.07.2024

Products in this catalogue

v ADVANCE CASH & CARRY App Store Brown White ||Brown [Sglatifsugar] White ps = Bull Koo Brand Ri pehares Rhodes Cored | KOO) a's Baked Meat Beans cos rose os ] | x as a A We - Flair] Everyday Rhodes: Lucky Star hakalaka hakalaka Chakakalal _Chakalaka { oi aa Hot & Spicy 7 Only} Koo Veg Cony sy Everday; Peas) —= 00 Rhodes (koo) ; Garden Mix Veg r Peas 410gx1 . Koo Everyday Rhodes| — ter Beans Whole Cream - Kernel Style a, Corn Rhodes Tomato &} All Gold Tomato & Miami Tomato Onion| Mix Onion Mix Onion Mix Miami) : Tomato Puree} ~All Gold Tomato ey “ Tomato fae Paste | Puree BMT 09 x 12 % a al eS Koo Peach Koo Koo Slices/ Halves Pineapple Guava 0g kool Rings ea aves | , Mama’s _ Mixed Fruit Jam ‘Mixed Fruit Jam aa x Melati Strawberry Jam ~ Apricot Jam ae saree ; rete rere eo & i, (2 \ — A. =) Koo Fruit Cocktail Hugo’s Mixed Fruit Jam ECream Style <= & ‘Sweetcorn gx 12 eS ; All Gold} Miami} pe a a Brgal Relist __.Braai Relish) lees Koo 1 “190) Vim) §=— Tomato ee eee] Paste bere 4 ke oy ioe — as) Lucky Star Lucky Star Lucky Star Sardines Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna 20g In Water / Oil In Water/Oil 170g RET smoor ens ; D Sticks 59 x 1000's|| Lucky Star Fish Glenryck Fish art a a AU =: White —— [a307]/ XS. * ee | ere | SS 3 . Be Fomco —TOMCO)| eseaega Lucky Star Beans Baked ra Baked oxizet Beans] PAM Beans Flair Curry Mix Veg » Flair |EveryDay} Butter} Butter Beans| Everyday eee Rhodes Koo spout More Jam gStrawberry 500g | Era Apricot Jam — 8/8 4509 2259 x 6's = 12's S/B 900 xs) anal l E.&0.E | We reserve the right to li i All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

v ADVANCE CASH & CARRY App Store Brown White ||Brown [Sglatifsugar] White ps = Bull Koo Brand Ri pehares Rhodes Cored | KOO) a's Baked Meat Beans cos rose os ] | x as a A We - Flair] Everyday Rhodes: Lucky Star hakalaka hakalaka Chakakalal _Chakalaka { oi aa Hot & Spicy 7 Only} Koo Veg Cony sy Everday; Peas) —= 00 Rhodes (koo) ; Garden Mix Veg r Peas 410gx1 . Koo Everyday Rhodes| — ter Beans Whole Cream - Kernel Style a, Corn Rhodes Tomato &} All Gold Tomato & Miami Tomato Onion| Mix Onion Mix Onion Mix Miami) : Tomato Puree} ~All Gold Tomato ey “ Tomato fae Paste | Puree BMT 09 x 12 % a al eS Koo Peach Koo Koo Slices/ Halves Pineapple Guava 0g kool Rings ea aves | , Mama’s _ Mixed Fruit Jam ‘Mixed Fruit Jam aa x Melati Strawberry Jam ~ Apricot Jam ae saree ; rete rere eo & i, (2 \ — A. =) Koo Fruit Cocktail Hugo’s Mixed Fruit Jam ECream Style <= & ‘Sweetcorn gx 12 eS ; All Gold} Miami} pe a a Brgal Relist __.Braai Relish) lees Koo 1 “190) Vim) §=— Tomato ee eee] Paste bere 4 ke oy ioe — as) Lucky Star Lucky Star Lucky Star Sardines Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna 20g In Water / Oil In Water/Oil 170g RET smoor ens ; D Sticks 59 x 1000's|| Lucky Star Fish Glenryck Fish art a a AU =: White —— [a307]/ XS. * ee | ere | SS 3 . Be Fomco —TOMCO)| eseaega Lucky Star Beans Baked ra Baked oxizet Beans] PAM Beans Flair Curry Mix Veg » Flair |EveryDay} Butter} Butter Beans| Everyday eee Rhodes Koo spout More Jam gStrawberry 500g | Era Apricot Jam — 8/8 4509 2259 x 6's = 12's S/B 900 xs) anal l E.&0.E | We reserve the right to li i All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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