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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 05.06 to 11.06 - Page nb 13

Special Advance Cash&Carry 05.06.2023 - 11.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

Cee a ES ESC Aa} ADVANGE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 4 v i CASH & CARRY Monday 5th June until Sunday 11th June 2023 TRADERS PROMOTION - SHRINKS & CASES ONLY - UNIT PRICE WHEN BOUGHT IN BULK Lillets Pads always Pads ante vine) Hummes Diapers rumwivsxss [ows 1 Tatpost Dry Comfort oon Stay Free al. wl =| Pads: sf Pe Selected) F 9 10's a] es s pBulk Pack r i y > B Baby Panda) Gerfaimy Adult Blossom Tresue wors JOT i Satin Touch . Toilet. 1 Ply Unwrapped Diapers} M/L/XL or ae Tat Paper Tot Pape et we “ipyos “2p 185] ay q Pysll' DenovoniT i Z - a Twin Saver Baby Wet Lo fae Wipes: Sparkle Sparkle Face Mask Serviett Kitchen Towel iy rvs ithe Towel Kids 4 | Fly eac Infrared \ ADVANCE —S Thermometer} aan ea zZ } SS ‘Savion Antiseptic Liquid | Dettol Antiseptic Liquid Aquafresh Oral B} Colgate} a, _ Colgate Thermal Paper: “ sae Toothbrush. oothbrush gee Tooth Brushes| jouble Action! Rolls 57x40 sn : | fe''s C fToothBrush} 100's a = 2 r Tray| Ss = anon | (Pye izs} \ Aovanice Morebrite | Yea en a Heat Prices White ca King’s tre Lighter Spot Can des X lite White Candles; Costas ig cheese > Candles Candles aa Aruif Stove af. 7 ite i §) X-lite Colour} | Candles 22 i Candles (499° : 274 4 Ad c 2 2 Pineware Stove | piamona Stove Bic Lighters ep. Plate Spiral () Batara » a} Den Mates Mogg co partie hw 2 nl @ G& = Cy .@-@. 7 - Tuffy; , j Wrap it Foil Pakmed Plastic Bag Black Finetuse Bags) Ty Light a smi] (se, Caan ~. ry oe Pakmed Castor Oil Fae = aL E 382 - i Tetmosol Indlovu Pakmed: Pakmed Pakmed: Pakmed Rineware Corded Kettle Med Soap = Senna} plgzzBlue Stone Senna jij : ; fit Leaves! 259 x 12's Leaves =1 Cordless Motolube Total Oil Engen Oil Healthy Paw = a Boss otal Oi ingen Oil Buddies Dog Food| Bonzo joss f Dog Food Dog Food el a me | ge le | 7k 209 | Ft \ AI | exsn a CARRY : ‘ ° 50 { ; SeyANCE ADVANCE \ ADVANCE E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

Cee a ES ESC Aa} ADVANGE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 4 v i CASH & CARRY Monday 5th June until Sunday 11th June 2023 TRADERS PROMOTION - SHRINKS & CASES ONLY - UNIT PRICE WHEN BOUGHT IN BULK Lillets Pads always Pads ante vine) Hummes Diapers rumwivsxss [ows 1 Tatpost Dry Comfort oon Stay Free al. wl =| Pads: sf Pe Selected) F 9 10's a] es s pBulk Pack r i y > B Baby Panda) Gerfaimy Adult Blossom Tresue wors JOT i Satin Touch . Toilet. 1 Ply Unwrapped Diapers} M/L/XL or ae Tat Paper Tot Pape et we “ipyos “2p 185] ay q Pysll' DenovoniT i Z - a Twin Saver Baby Wet Lo fae Wipes: Sparkle Sparkle Face Mask Serviett Kitchen Towel iy rvs ithe Towel Kids 4 | Fly eac Infrared \ ADVANCE —S Thermometer} aan ea zZ } SS ‘Savion Antiseptic Liquid | Dettol Antiseptic Liquid Aquafresh Oral B} Colgate} a, _ Colgate Thermal Paper: “ sae Toothbrush. oothbrush gee Tooth Brushes| jouble Action! Rolls 57x40 sn : | fe''s C fToothBrush} 100's a = 2 r Tray| Ss = anon | (Pye izs} \ Aovanice Morebrite | Yea en a Heat Prices White ca King’s tre Lighter Spot Can des X lite White Candles; Costas ig cheese > Candles Candles aa Aruif Stove af. 7 ite i §) X-lite Colour} | Candles 22 i Candles (499° : 274 4 Ad c 2 2 Pineware Stove | piamona Stove Bic Lighters ep. Plate Spiral () Batara » a} Den Mates Mogg co partie hw 2 nl @ G& = Cy .@-@. 7 - Tuffy; , j Wrap it Foil Pakmed Plastic Bag Black Finetuse Bags) Ty Light a smi] (se, Caan ~. ry oe Pakmed Castor Oil Fae = aL E 382 - i Tetmosol Indlovu Pakmed: Pakmed Pakmed: Pakmed Rineware Corded Kettle Med Soap = Senna} plgzzBlue Stone Senna jij : ; fit Leaves! 259 x 12's Leaves =1 Cordless Motolube Total Oil Engen Oil Healthy Paw = a Boss otal Oi ingen Oil Buddies Dog Food| Bonzo joss f Dog Food Dog Food el a me | ge le | 7k 209 | Ft \ AI | exsn a CARRY : ‘ ° 50 { ; SeyANCE ADVANCE \ ADVANCE E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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