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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 02.10 to 08.10 - Page nb 3

Special Advance Cash&Carry 02.10.2023 - 08.10.2023

Products in this catalogue

Vv . ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Brown White Brown [Selatifsugay] White Sticks 5g x 1000's Brown ae White < an ra ee = @_f Brown me ec EE ELE White if ae ey Star Fish Koo Flair ball Fi Every Day Baked Beans’ r 2 : — — 410g x 12 i KY STA , pgiichards Rilchards ___ Brand Baked] “TOMCD % an Pee Cornea ee : S| peered Mtl co a ees PYG) Soar ssl ao) Everyday Lucky Star] Koo Chakakala Rhodes sestes Chakalaka _Chakalaka " Baked it 109 x 12's cy Rhodes Hot & Spicy Beans ‘Chatotana cHakakala Only wey 6 ax 12siF 74109 x 12's | Pads 0 ad a : ie > | eee : ry oe: fara ee Gah z Everday] 2 Peas) Koo} i Rhodes Rhodes (oo) alle 4i0g x 12s} Garden Everyday Pa Butter Veg cy Mix Veg ete Peas ecbieer aes Beans 2's 109 x12 | Wey : 0g x 12 109 x 12 © ir 5 ig = bs: Ue he es hiret ; A) Se } t Rhodes Koo Rhodes| EveryDay Butter Butter Beans a Cream Everyday Koo Buiter Beans | eee : — Rhodes Style Cream Style EkoofSweetcarn Beans aa p Spaghetti Corn ] Com Secream Style r>4 : ee Bho e ; Bey | Rhodes Tomato & J All Gold Tomato & {Miami Tomato Onion Seen & Miamil| eee Flair Onion Mix | Dnion Mix Mix 410g Onion Mix _Braai Relish} am) K Tomato & $109 amy 1109 x 12's 3 410g)| AOS a nion Mix’ r ar “S| ee Tomato Dg x 12 ret mee) Paste : ae ska hl E ' 4100 x 12's|| Pee ee § ~ ays Fs raliié ' : ‘ he : (ass) Miami Everyday ||Lucky Star Lucky Star bey Star Tomato Puree} eS AllGold Whole Sardines Tuna Chunks ; Shredded Tuna 3 seal Tomato Kernel In Water / Oil 170 In Water/Oit 1 e * Puree a ‘J 3 or Oax4 ic iu ml ae ; CTs Koo Peach Koo K | . 00 Mama’ sie @ Slices/ Halves Pineapple Koo | ¢ Pie More Jam Apricot f @& ii Fruit PP ew ce os Cocktail Koo) Apple ji 7 7 Jam | o9 : : 5 | 5 Gleni ok Fish _ Mama's BG eetrnitson | GOTTOS ne a All eo oF Apricot Jam eee _ Mixed Fruit 99 : ED $4509 2259 x 6's od " - 9g] LENRYCK Jam Strawberry Jam Apricot Jam . : saeee, fl 450 sa 2259 x6's —_3.75k le ra50gx 12's $/B 9C 93 Ti x mH pa m I E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash Ton only

Latest specials

Vv . ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Brown White Brown [Selatifsugay] White Sticks 5g x 1000's Brown ae White < an ra ee = @_f Brown me ec EE ELE White if ae ey Star Fish Koo Flair ball Fi Every Day Baked Beans’ r 2 : — — 410g x 12 i KY STA , pgiichards Rilchards ___ Brand Baked] “TOMCD % an Pee Cornea ee : S| peered Mtl co a ees PYG) Soar ssl ao) Everyday Lucky Star] Koo Chakakala Rhodes sestes Chakalaka _Chakalaka " Baked it 109 x 12's cy Rhodes Hot & Spicy Beans ‘Chatotana cHakakala Only wey 6 ax 12siF 74109 x 12's | Pads 0 ad a : ie > | eee : ry oe: fara ee Gah z Everday] 2 Peas) Koo} i Rhodes Rhodes (oo) alle 4i0g x 12s} Garden Everyday Pa Butter Veg cy Mix Veg ete Peas ecbieer aes Beans 2's 109 x12 | Wey : 0g x 12 109 x 12 © ir 5 ig = bs: Ue he es hiret ; A) Se } t Rhodes Koo Rhodes| EveryDay Butter Butter Beans a Cream Everyday Koo Buiter Beans | eee : — Rhodes Style Cream Style EkoofSweetcarn Beans aa p Spaghetti Corn ] Com Secream Style r>4 : ee Bho e ; Bey | Rhodes Tomato & J All Gold Tomato & {Miami Tomato Onion Seen & Miamil| eee Flair Onion Mix | Dnion Mix Mix 410g Onion Mix _Braai Relish} am) K Tomato & $109 amy 1109 x 12's 3 410g)| AOS a nion Mix’ r ar “S| ee Tomato Dg x 12 ret mee) Paste : ae ska hl E ' 4100 x 12's|| Pee ee § ~ ays Fs raliié ' : ‘ he : (ass) Miami Everyday ||Lucky Star Lucky Star bey Star Tomato Puree} eS AllGold Whole Sardines Tuna Chunks ; Shredded Tuna 3 seal Tomato Kernel In Water / Oil 170 In Water/Oit 1 e * Puree a ‘J 3 or Oax4 ic iu ml ae ; CTs Koo Peach Koo K | . 00 Mama’ sie @ Slices/ Halves Pineapple Koo | ¢ Pie More Jam Apricot f @& ii Fruit PP ew ce os Cocktail Koo) Apple ji 7 7 Jam | o9 : : 5 | 5 Gleni ok Fish _ Mama's BG eetrnitson | GOTTOS ne a All eo oF Apricot Jam eee _ Mixed Fruit 99 : ED $4509 2259 x 6's od " - 9g] LENRYCK Jam Strawberry Jam Apricot Jam . : saeee, fl 450 sa 2259 x6's —_3.75k le ra50gx 12's $/B 9C 93 Ti x mH pa m I E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash Ton only

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