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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 07.11 to 13.11 - Page nb 10

Special Advance Cash&Carry 07.11.2024 - 13.11.2024

Products in this catalogue

Vv ADVANCE CASH & CARRY URS A) MALREES Sunlight Washing Powder ‘Mag Washing Powder 1509x603 Omo Washing oe yNT 3000 x8s 2kgx 8's — tkg x 12's 3kg Saxe 2509 5's Sunlight >) ° 2s 6009 x 6's ‘kg ‘kg kg o- 6009 x 6's 8 3kg Sky Scopres oa 300g x 6's 2kg 2kg 5k kg x9's 600g x 6's io Exailo coon Fxceed Sunlight Washing Powder : Oro Auto a 18g a {Washing Powder Re Romie . i re, ree \ 2g = 4 oa yay zm fe q24 \ ADVANCE ) Sunlight Pins nae BEM eee J Fe ee : - ‘ay : - es x Britewash Elangeni Green Bar || Waves Britelite er perir nase] Green sar BPRS | ts te [Gren Bar pyaar een Br ee SEL fusnosuessnm , Suillight <s & 250g x 84's | 125g x 14's 2509 500g x 36's ° RT = Sy De 779% mn Ey Daily Laundry Soap | Rave Laundry Soap -_— Personal Touch} Sta Soft Sunlight Fabric. Mersonal Touch|| § Mag Fabric 1259 2509 5 \ Fabric Softener, Fabric Softener Softener 2 Fabric Softener’ z ss rH (Ee Softener _ bi rome) Sees | <> peg] ie \ Bete vane Domestos Sonn xe iL Oni " i Softener Bleach) @ Bleach ; aap ! &) === j50mIx6's 15. | i 750ml — Chemico] = Handy Andy i Viva = Cream Cream Smart Save Dish 00m! x ‘50mI x 5's House Hold ? 500m! RR Dish Washing | a oa Washing Thine \ ADVANCE ie Cleaner a S Liquid Pia Liquid Liquid PS PS Nessa Mei! = op 29] |, p Refill |[SueDish Washing Liquid] Thunder Pine Gel Smart Save Pine Gel BL & G So Brite Pine Gel = Goom! x 6's _ 400ml 750ml x 5's ae 1 ‘i \ IT S| ™ a Py ) fers xs Be By 750ml 1.5L me = ui 5I bt py J — Jewel > Mr Muscle > . j ita 1 . Floor Polish 2 ;Sunbeam/| Cleaning Ga Winotene Tite Chemico \ e ~ Cobral Duck Selected Cleaner Drain Cleen ® ™»Floor Polish Variants} Cleaner mer 5 Granular Eien e cane > A 350mi 5 ple ; saat Dyroach Fast Kill Doom Doom Mortein, Insect Killer = fsck Kile Insect Killer __ Mosquito} Mosquito Coil Raid Mortein| Rt | Ana (MPOEES TRaTTex bite | DOOM BG emery Insect Killer Insect Killer Key i = Pellets : , : oad 1 wre : || : = = : Doom| Mr Min Pledge Airoma B Air wick Glade Secrets} Debello : ee —_—CBlue Death Multi Surface Multi Surface Air Freshener Air Freshener Air Freshener} Rat Glue a i foooy ms ha Cleaner} (4 Cleaner] (iq 210ml x 6's g "x14 Tube Mothex wee 0 30! = — ot a ¢ j Ee j pall j id I E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only §

Latest specials

Vv ADVANCE CASH & CARRY URS A) MALREES Sunlight Washing Powder ‘Mag Washing Powder 1509x603 Omo Washing oe yNT 3000 x8s 2kgx 8's — tkg x 12's 3kg Saxe 2509 5's Sunlight >) ° 2s 6009 x 6's ‘kg ‘kg kg o- 6009 x 6's 8 3kg Sky Scopres oa 300g x 6's 2kg 2kg 5k kg x9's 600g x 6's io Exailo coon Fxceed Sunlight Washing Powder : Oro Auto a 18g a {Washing Powder Re Romie . i re, ree \ 2g = 4 oa yay zm fe q24 \ ADVANCE ) Sunlight Pins nae BEM eee J Fe ee : - ‘ay : - es x Britewash Elangeni Green Bar || Waves Britelite er perir nase] Green sar BPRS | ts te [Gren Bar pyaar een Br ee SEL fusnosuessnm , Suillight <s & 250g x 84's | 125g x 14's 2509 500g x 36's ° RT = Sy De 779% mn Ey Daily Laundry Soap | Rave Laundry Soap -_— Personal Touch} Sta Soft Sunlight Fabric. Mersonal Touch|| § Mag Fabric 1259 2509 5 \ Fabric Softener, Fabric Softener Softener 2 Fabric Softener’ z ss rH (Ee Softener _ bi rome) Sees | <> peg] ie \ Bete vane Domestos Sonn xe iL Oni " i Softener Bleach) @ Bleach ; aap ! &) === j50mIx6's 15. | i 750ml — Chemico] = Handy Andy i Viva = Cream Cream Smart Save Dish 00m! x ‘50mI x 5's House Hold ? 500m! RR Dish Washing | a oa Washing Thine \ ADVANCE ie Cleaner a S Liquid Pia Liquid Liquid PS PS Nessa Mei! = op 29] |, p Refill |[SueDish Washing Liquid] Thunder Pine Gel Smart Save Pine Gel BL & G So Brite Pine Gel = Goom! x 6's _ 400ml 750ml x 5's ae 1 ‘i \ IT S| ™ a Py ) fers xs Be By 750ml 1.5L me = ui 5I bt py J — Jewel > Mr Muscle > . j ita 1 . Floor Polish 2 ;Sunbeam/| Cleaning Ga Winotene Tite Chemico \ e ~ Cobral Duck Selected Cleaner Drain Cleen ® ™»Floor Polish Variants} Cleaner mer 5 Granular Eien e cane > A 350mi 5 ple ; saat Dyroach Fast Kill Doom Doom Mortein, Insect Killer = fsck Kile Insect Killer __ Mosquito} Mosquito Coil Raid Mortein| Rt | Ana (MPOEES TRaTTex bite | DOOM BG emery Insect Killer Insect Killer Key i = Pellets : , : oad 1 wre : || : = = : Doom| Mr Min Pledge Airoma B Air wick Glade Secrets} Debello : ee —_—CBlue Death Multi Surface Multi Surface Air Freshener Air Freshener Air Freshener} Rat Glue a i foooy ms ha Cleaner} (4 Cleaner] (iq 210ml x 6's g "x14 Tube Mothex wee 0 30! = — ot a ¢ j Ee j pall j id I E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only §

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