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Current special Adendorff Machinery Mart - Valid from 09.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 18

Special Adendorff Machinery Mart 09.12.2024 - 31.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

a 7 = _ GARAGE EQUIPMENT: AUTOMOTIVE 5 C= R465 ===) nly rT, ! —— om TT al el ) R385 a ETE Sua uaF si % R545 © Suitable for wide range of vehicles & Installation Tool Kit 22 Universal Valve Spring Remover EI USe eae ss ae ; R345 a. — # R695 = < PERS Te) cca = zy Aaa cu fi fe a : ; 48 FR & R295 ——— | (R205 4 fess mI BU a eee mace @ € With Slide Hammer * Easily replace bearing races Ard = Ideal for the removal of stuck without damaging race or and seized common Rail . axle housing © Collars fit most = . ~ &°3s = i R895 R945 Injectors without dismounting the Cylinder Head wheel bearing sizes * Machined aluminium construction 3 Jaw Internal & External Puller Kit with Sliding Hammer US clea . : 2 Fs] Se R995 —— 7 . a Small Internal Puller Capacity: 15 - 30mm ~— = mad © Large Internal Puller Capacity: 30 - 80mm. I] } Ty ti y © External Puller Capacity: 15 - 80mm > ant R120 pA ela any ) 0 Ton (shown) 100mm fees JORAGEIG cae Type) @10 Ton 20 Ton & Rated Output 10T 10T 20T 150mm Reach 160mm 435mm 350mm. o\ R295 R995 Max. Stroke 60mm 170mm 100mm | © Range: 30 - 50mm; Spread 250mm 250mm 560mm 50 - 75mm Length of Jaws: 110mm R1995 | R3295 | R5950 (2 Jaw Puler GPULLE-011 | GPULLE-010 | GPULLE-020 © Max. Shaft Length: - 210mm KWAZULU-NATAL BRANCH CONTACT DETAILS DURBAN NORTH (SPRINGFIELD PARK) @ (031) 263-0007 99 intersite Avenue (near Bluff Meat Supply and National Security and Fire), Springfield Park Z) NATIONAL CALL CENTRE: 011 434 7000 E&OE WEEK-50-(09-12)

Latest specials

a 7 = _ GARAGE EQUIPMENT: AUTOMOTIVE 5 C= R465 ===) nly rT, ! —— om TT al el ) R385 a ETE Sua uaF si % R545 © Suitable for wide range of vehicles & Installation Tool Kit 22 Universal Valve Spring Remover EI USe eae ss ae ; R345 a. — # R695 = < PERS Te) cca = zy Aaa cu fi fe a : ; 48 FR & R295 ——— | (R205 4 fess mI BU a eee mace @ € With Slide Hammer * Easily replace bearing races Ard = Ideal for the removal of stuck without damaging race or and seized common Rail . axle housing © Collars fit most = . ~ &°3s = i R895 R945 Injectors without dismounting the Cylinder Head wheel bearing sizes * Machined aluminium construction 3 Jaw Internal & External Puller Kit with Sliding Hammer US clea . : 2 Fs] Se R995 —— 7 . a Small Internal Puller Capacity: 15 - 30mm ~— = mad © Large Internal Puller Capacity: 30 - 80mm. I] } Ty ti y © External Puller Capacity: 15 - 80mm > ant R120 pA ela any ) 0 Ton (shown) 100mm fees JORAGEIG cae Type) @10 Ton 20 Ton & Rated Output 10T 10T 20T 150mm Reach 160mm 435mm 350mm. o\ R295 R995 Max. Stroke 60mm 170mm 100mm | © Range: 30 - 50mm; Spread 250mm 250mm 560mm 50 - 75mm Length of Jaws: 110mm R1995 | R3295 | R5950 (2 Jaw Puler GPULLE-011 | GPULLE-010 | GPULLE-020 © Max. Shaft Length: - 210mm KWAZULU-NATAL BRANCH CONTACT DETAILS DURBAN NORTH (SPRINGFIELD PARK) @ (031) 263-0007 99 intersite Avenue (near Bluff Meat Supply and National Security and Fire), Springfield Park Z) NATIONAL CALL CENTRE: 011 434 7000 E&OE WEEK-50-(09-12)

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