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Current special Game - Valid from 07.10 to 07.11 - Page nb 19

Special Game 07.10.2022 - 07.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

TECnO senna an ee minal nD wrayer NEO LTE NEO SLTE rays Smartphone et © | MP SMP ry Pom Rew ro 2000 MAH ever Breda een BRO aad S° 1GBRAM rd 127m — BGBROM PREPAID , >) 1GB YouTube Data PM 1GB YouTube Data PM Hisense © Hisense 140MIN Zmnaaty Infinity U40 20minDalty infinity z x reaps maa Smartphone Porat i LYNN © LIA @ @ 240 SMP SMP «030 1.2GB eae 1.26B 17518 Daly 175il8 Daly x7 daysPM wPdays Pia 627" wddem seonom I we8em PREPAID ¥ 1GB bs po be 1GB YouTube Data PM YouTube Data PM Offers vate trem 07 Oct-07 Nov 2022. Staite and condkices apely WSuRect to RICA andin-stece actwation ofa Vodacom Prepaid state pack VAT ncusive, ERDE. The Veetcom Buy and Get Seurtphone Reta ‘Campaign wl un rere 08:00 on 7 October 2022 untk 7,00 on 7 Noveebes 2022 (both dys ctushe) The promotions ter wid to new a existing Vocacors Prepaid customs only ards ony acplcabe to spectic Gevce models 0 psrteinating stores. Data aiccatons vary depending on deco, Customers with eligtle 3G devices to cecharge wth R29" monthly to recewe the alcoted alcaticns: ond eigbla 6 devices weNRZS" ‘monthly to receive the allocated allocations. Buy an Get allecaions may cue Voda minutes, Artie data, well as You Tube data. All data allocations (excluding YouTube) wil be allocated daly for 7 days, valid fer Vy from date of siacaton, whke 1GB YouTube wil be allocated once vale fr 7 days For fil terms and conditions, vit veda convretat-davice ans vodacom ca 23"*Once setae ths Gevice wil cry work with 3 Vodacom SIM card for 12 months. fer this period you can contact 82 185 for an unlock code to enable you to enable yeuto use for cher networks. For il terms and conditions, viet vodscomcaz 19 ‘SAGSGAIG82. RSA EDITION, PRICES VALID FROM 07 OCT - 07 NOV 2022 PREPAID Y1s 4G Smartphone SMP S Front Rear @ 26BRAM werranty 3268 ROM PREPAID. “R204 |

Latest specials

TECnO senna an ee minal nD wrayer NEO LTE NEO SLTE rays Smartphone et © | MP SMP ry Pom Rew ro 2000 MAH ever Breda een BRO aad S° 1GBRAM rd 127m — BGBROM PREPAID , >) 1GB YouTube Data PM 1GB YouTube Data PM Hisense © Hisense 140MIN Zmnaaty Infinity U40 20minDalty infinity z x reaps maa Smartphone Porat i LYNN © LIA @ @ 240 SMP SMP «030 1.2GB eae 1.26B 17518 Daly 175il8 Daly x7 daysPM wPdays Pia 627" wddem seonom I we8em PREPAID ¥ 1GB bs po be 1GB YouTube Data PM YouTube Data PM Offers vate trem 07 Oct-07 Nov 2022. Staite and condkices apely WSuRect to RICA andin-stece actwation ofa Vodacom Prepaid state pack VAT ncusive, ERDE. The Veetcom Buy and Get Seurtphone Reta ‘Campaign wl un rere 08:00 on 7 October 2022 untk 7,00 on 7 Noveebes 2022 (both dys ctushe) The promotions ter wid to new a existing Vocacors Prepaid customs only ards ony acplcabe to spectic Gevce models 0 psrteinating stores. Data aiccatons vary depending on deco, Customers with eligtle 3G devices to cecharge wth R29" monthly to recewe the alcoted alcaticns: ond eigbla 6 devices weNRZS" ‘monthly to receive the allocated allocations. Buy an Get allecaions may cue Voda minutes, Artie data, well as You Tube data. All data allocations (excluding YouTube) wil be allocated daly for 7 days, valid fer Vy from date of siacaton, whke 1GB YouTube wil be allocated once vale fr 7 days For fil terms and conditions, vit veda convretat-davice ans vodacom ca 23"*Once setae ths Gevice wil cry work with 3 Vodacom SIM card for 12 months. fer this period you can contact 82 185 for an unlock code to enable you to enable yeuto use for cher networks. For il terms and conditions, viet vodscomcaz 19 ‘SAGSGAIG82. RSA EDITION, PRICES VALID FROM 07 OCT - 07 NOV 2022 PREPAID Y1s 4G Smartphone SMP S Front Rear @ 26BRAM werranty 3268 ROM PREPAID. “R204 |

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